Moms & Women Over 40
Transformation Pictures


Moms and Women
Over 40

Transformation Pictures

I’ve never been so fit and healthy!

" I'm a 47 year old mother of five and the last two were little surprises I wasn’t expecting after turning 40!

I was naturally thin but I really struggled losing pregnancy weight gain and tried everything but my thighs never slimmed and looked bulkier.

I’m so happy I came across your blog and after less than a month I noticed drastic changes

I’ve never been so fit and healthy and I’m so grateful!! "

Check out the program that Maddie used

Maddie from Australia,  
Premium Package

Maddie from Australia,  
Premium Package

I wish I found your program earlier!

"I’m in my mid 40s and have had babies and still got
results! I’ve always loved exercise but have never had progress in my legs like this. 

Thanks so much for putting together such a comprehensive, easy to follow guide. I followed the vegan eating plan and used the videos. The videos were so helpful. They were fun to follow and included a
thorough warm up and stretch—things I tend to skip. Thanks again!

Check out 3 Steps to Lean Legs

Anna from the US, 
Premium Package

Anna from the US,
Premium Package

My results are amazing!

"I am a mom of 2 children, one is 4 and one is 2. Since I gave birth two times in the last 3 years I thought that I would never get back to my slimming look.
I dug throughout the internet. I read and decided to purchase your program :D and amazing result happened to me after 9 weeks!

My friends actually notice my thighs getting leaner. 
They keep asking me about it but I just say “Google for Rachael Attard”! :D "

Check out the program that she used

Lean Legs Girl, 
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

Lean Legs Girl,
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

Everything became clear and so effective!

"I used to be athletic until I had my second baby when I put up a lot of weight, mostly fat.

With your program, everything became clear and easy and so effective! I started during lockdown and tried my best following the plan each day. Now I’ve lost 12 kilos not just from the legs, but all over!

I’m really proud of myself and this body, feeling confident and full of energy every day!"

Check out the program that Helenn used

Helenn from China,
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

Helenn from China,
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

I noticed a difference after just 2 weeks!

“Starting your programs I really wanted to focus on my legs. 

At the beginning I thought your program wasn’t going to do much because I’m used to high intensity workouts and those seemed kinda too low intensity but I kept going and 2 weeks into your program I had already noticed a difference!

Thank you so much!”

Check out 3 Steps to Lean Legs

Lean Legs Girl from Canada, 
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

Lean Legs Girl from Canada, 
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

I cancelled my gym membership!

"Through your program I have found a new love for running and walking outdoors. 

I cancelled my gym membership and hope to stay on this program throughout the year! It’s been really exciting to see the progress. 

After years of trying other programs and even when I entered fitness competitions, I have never seen my legs this lean!"

Check out the program that Alex used

Alex from the US,       : @AlexBGamez,
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

Alex from the US, @AlexBGamez,
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

My legs are so much smoother!

"I was happy with how much my cellulite smoothed out, and found that the meal plan helped to eliminate a lot of bloat I didn't realize I had when eating dairy and gluten. 
I am looking forward to the results I will see after even more rounds! 

This program is easy to stick to, and needs very little in terms of equipment - no excuses not to do it, even on vacation!"

Check out the program that she used

Lean Legs Girl from the UK, 
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

I got better results than I could imagine!

“You helped me so much, your program has become a lifestyle and didn’t feel like a diet at all. 

I enjoy every workout and cardio session, I got better results than I could imagine in less time than I thought, and I’m so ready to keep going to maintain my lean legs.

Check out 3 Steps to Lean Legs

Lean Legs Girl from Belgium, 
Premium Package

Copyright © 2019 Rachael Attard. All Rights Reserved. 

Louise from the UK: @louisescholes22022,
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

It's been amazing!

I never thought I would find something that worked for me. Especially at my age of 55. 

But it's been amazing. Loved the food and never missed a workout. I even had a week in Spain here. Can't wait to start again and do it all over. 

Thank you. For the program and also the support. Xxx ❤

Check out the program that Louise used

Louise from the UK,
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

Both my body and mind loved it so much!

Lean Legs Girl from New Zealand, 
3 Steps To Lean Legs Program

"Thank you so much for your wonderful program! 

I’ve finished the program and I’m so happy because I’m starting to see my body change and I’m loving every minute I spend exercising! 

So thank you so much!"

Check out 3 Steps to Lean Legs














  • Is curvier, and can gain muscle very quickly.
  • Have a great strength and endurance!
  • Weight loss is a little more challenging.


Endomorphs have huge potential to transform their body – actually much more than the other body types!

You may think that it is difficult to lose weight and keep it off, but I promise you, IT'S POSSIBLE!

Show me ectomorph transformations!I want to see mesomorph transformations!

Can Women Over 40 Get Lean and Fit?

The answer is- absolutely! 

Just look at the amazing transformation photos of moms losing their baby weight and women over 40 and well in their 50s transforming their gorgeous bodies using my Program.







Mesomorph Body Type

Other Before and After Pics:

Lean Legs ProgramResultsAboutFree InfoBlogLog InShow Me Mesomorphs!Show Me Mesomorphs!Show Me Ectomorphs!Show Me Mesomorphs!Show Me Endomorphs!

Look at These Results!

3 Steps to Lean Legs

For losing fat and bulky muscle 

8-week cardio, resistant training, and nutrition program

Everything in an easy to access ebook format

Resistant training and nutrition plan is adjusted to your body type


Would you like to join over 5000 happy women?

Lean Legs Video Course

It focuses on getting lean and toned legs and body

Full-length videos with instructions on how to correctly do each exercise

30-40 min training that starts with a warm-up and ends with cold down

It is a workout plan from "3 Steps to Lean Legs" in a video format

Train in front of your laptop or with your phone


Are you a fan of full-length videos?

If you want to look amazing at the beach in bikini bottoms and feel great about your lower body, then 3 Steps To Lean Legs program is made for YOU. 

It is an 8-week program to help you lose fat from your thighs and tone your legs without getting bulky.

The best part is this program is completely tailored to your body type.

  • Workout plan for 3 body types
  • Meal Plan for those who eat meat, fish, and eggs
  • Meal Plan for vegans

3 Steps to Lean Legs Program

3 Steps to Lean Legs Program 

Would you like to join over 5000 happy women?





Show Me Ectomorphs!Show Me Mesomorphs!Show Me Endomorphs!