Comments on: Lower Body Workout That Won’t Add Bulk Tue, 18 Aug 2020 15:15:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liane Robinson Tue, 08 Aug 2017 09:04:09 +0000 Any advice for when one leg is bigger than the other. My left leg (less dominant leg), is actually about 5cm bigger around the thigh. It is muscle mass, not fat.

By: Rachael Attard Sat, 05 Aug 2017 08:43:57 +0000 In reply to M..

Hi lovely, if you’re doing the exercises with correct form you should be squeezing the right muscles :) And no I would do them slowly – slower is actually harder and engages the muscles for a longer period of time xx

By: M. Wed, 02 Aug 2017 13:06:17 +0000 When doing the excersises, would it make any difference (and what kind of) if we like squeeze our leg and glute muscles? Also, should excersises be done at a tempo you are doing them in the video, or will maybe a faster tempo be a plus for getting slimmer? Thank you in advance ^^

By: Rachael Attard Wed, 02 Aug 2017 06:38:39 +0000 In reply to Julia.

Hi Julia, you just work that one leg harder by not giving it rest. But you can always do one exercise on both legs first if you prefer that or if it becomes too much for one leg. The main muscle that women complain about when their legs get too big is their quadriceps so I would avoid overworking that muscle xx

By: Julia Mon, 31 Jul 2017 14:08:59 +0000 What is the benefit of doing one leg first and then the other? Also, what muscles need to be avoided to prevent bulking? Thank you
