Comments on: Pre-Wedding Diet – Last Week’s Meals Tue, 18 Aug 2020 15:15:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachael Attard Sun, 25 Jun 2017 13:28:09 +0000 In reply to Deirdre Jordan.

Hi Dee! Sorry for my very late reply and thanks for understanding. I hope you have managed to get back on track now. Admittedly I’m feeling the same way as you after lots of eating and drinking the past couple of weeks. I’m getting back into things tomorrow and I have made a workout plan for myself (am doing my eBook so makes it a bit easier), have planned my meals and done some grocery shopping so that I am all organised. I’m also going to take progress photos. All of these things help me start and keep going. I know I’m not going to be perfect though. So don’t let little slip ups get you down. Keep going! I hope you are feeling better now! xxx

By: Rachael Attard Wed, 14 Jun 2017 06:32:49 +0000 In reply to Deanna.

Thanks so much Deanna! Yes I have been in that place before being super strict with what I ate and it just didn’t work for me. Even though I’m not perfect, it seems to work better and I’m much happier. Thanks again for your comment! xx

By: Deirdre Jordan Sun, 11 Jun 2017 18:31:23 +0000 Hi Rachel, firstly may I wish you all the best for your upcoming wedding. I was in Italy for 2 weeks(fell in love with the country) and ate so much pizza, pasta, bread and ice cream and drank wine and beer. Did a lot of walking and felt good but since I’ve returned(just over a week now) I have a fully extended stomach and my thighs have also expanded and I’m finding it hard to get back on track. Forgot to mention, I’m urinating so much. Any tips on best way to tackle this. I understand if i dont get a quick response as I have a feeling you may be very busy preparing for your special day!

Best of luck

By: Deanna Wed, 07 Jun 2017 17:45:37 +0000 I really appreciate how honest you are about eating sugar, not being perfect, and not starving yourself silly for your wedding. So many girls put so much pressure on themselves for perfection, especially with a wedding coming up, that it’s inspirational to see someone be in such great shape, allow themselves some treats, and talk about how and why it can work!
