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Natasha Oakley Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Aug 24, 2021

Natasha Oakley is an Australian model who is quite literally known for her bikini body. In 2012, she co-founded the successful blog A Bikini A Day, in which she and her co-founder modeled new swimwear every single day. She also created the swimsuit company MONDAY swimwear.

As a swimsuit model, Natasha works hard to maintain her figure. She always tries to be beach ready, and she really values living a healthy lifestyle. Here’s what she does:

Natasha Oakley’s Diet

Natasha travels about eight months out of the year, and she spends a lot of time in a bikini. She considers every day a photoshoot day, and so she tries to look good as much as possible. Because of this, she doesn’t do any back-and-forth dieting or extreme diets to slim down quickly. Instead, she tries to eat well all the time to maintain her figure and health.

Natasha grew up eating what she considers a healthy diet, and she continues that today. She likes to be balanced with her food choices, and she does her best to eat lots of vegetables. Some of her favourite meals are salads and smoothies. Natasha is a pescatarian, which means that she eats fish but not other forms of meat.

She also drinks a lot of water. When she eats healthy and drinks plenty of water, she notices that her skin looks better and she feels more confident in her body.

Although she still has treats (she likes chocolate!), Natasha tries to avoid drinking a lot of alcohol. She’ll drink wine sometimes, but that’s about it. If she drinks too much, she notices that she starts to gain weight.

Here’s what Natasha eats throughout the day:

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What Natasha Eats for Breakfast

Natasha starts most days off with a cup of coffee. She likes making an iced almond cappuccino with almond milk.

After doing a workout right after she’s caffeinated, she eats a full meal. For breakfast, she likes to switch up her meals. She prioritises eating food with protein, and she likes to make things like:

  • Smoothies
  • Breakfast salads
  • Plain Greek yoghurt with berries and honey
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Avocado toast

What Natasha Eats for Lunch

Natasha likes to eat a salad every day, and she normally eats it for lunch. One of her favourite salads is full of:

  • quinoa
  • kale
  • avocado
  • dressing (she switches up the flavor for variety)

She also really likes Halloumi salads. Halloumi is a cheese (typically made from goat or sheep milk — or both) that is hard. It can be grilled or fried, which makes it a good meat substitute for vegetarians or pescatarians.

She also enjoys getting sushi for lunch.

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What Natasha Eats for Dinner

For dinner, Natasha likes making fish with a side salad or vegetables. She and her partner love cooking together, and they love preparing fresh seafood. Their favourites are white fish, scallops, octopus, and prawns. Sometimes, Natasha will have a glass of red wine with dinner.

She also loves going out for ramen or Thai food.

After dinner, Natasha likes to drink a cup of chamomile tea while relaxing before bed.

How Natasha Eats Healthy While Traveling

Natasha is on an airplane a lot, and she doesn’t like airplane food much. She thinks it’s too salty. To fix this, she normally brings her own food on the plane. She’ll make a quinoa, pea, mint, and avocado salad beforehand to eat while she’s flying.

If she’s unable to bring her own food, she tries to stick to salads or the healthiest option available.

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Natasha Oakley’s Workout Routine

Natasha loves exercising. She considers it part of her business. After all, she always wants to feel comfortable in a bikini. Beyond this, she thinks that exercise is really therapeutic.

When she’s traveling, Natasha always tries to find hotels or resorts that have gym access, and she typically works out four or five times a week for around 35 minutes to an hour, even when she’s on holiday. In general, she likes to work out in the morning, but she will work out in the afternoon if that’s what’s best for her schedule.


If she’s working out at a gym and doing a resistance routine, Natasha likes to warm up before the workouts with cardio. Typically, she’ll do 20 minutes of running on the treadmill. Sometimes, she’ll do steady-state cardio, but other times she switches it up with some sprinting. She then follows her cardio workout with a full-body resistance training workout.

Natasha also likes to do some HIIT workouts, and she has followed the Her Body by Gilles program in the past to do them. She loves how many calories they can burn in a short amount of time. However, she also enjoys long, steady-state cardio, such as long walks.

Natasha also loves playing tennis. She considers it one of her hobbies, and she likes to play as much as possible. When she lived in Australia, she would do a lot of paddle boarding, and, when she lived in Hawaii, she would go surfing, but she isn’t able to do either of those as much anymore.

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Resistance Training

In general, Natasha likes to do full-body resistance training workouts. If she’s working out a gym, she will sometimes use weights, but she does bodyweight exercises too. If she’s traveling or needs to do a short workout session, she’ll incorporate some of her favourite moves into a short, full-body circuit:

  • Mountain climbers (40 reps)
  • Donkey kicks (20 reps on each leg)
  • Fire hydrants (20 reps on each leg)
  • Burpees (30 reps)
  • Arm crosses (40 reps)
  • Crunches (50 reps)
  • Low plank for 10 seconds

If she does this workout (or one like this) in the afternoon or evening, she likes to cool down with a yoga session as time permits.

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Natasha likes to do Pilates classes several days per week. She typically does classes through The Pilates Class, and she did their online classes during the pandemic. She says she prefers doing the classes from home, and she considers it a luxury to be able to work out at her house!

The Pilates Class has workouts that follow traditional Pilates moves, and other classes incorporate other types of workouts, like Barre. Natasha likes them all, and she regularly incorporates them into her fitness schedule.

Her Workout Schedule

Natasha’s workout plan changes to meet the needs of her life and schedule. During the summer of 2020, for instance, she shared on Instagram that her weekly workout schedule looked like this:

  • Monday: tennis for 1 hour
  • Tuesday: Pilates for 45 minutes
  • Wednesday: tennis for 1 hour and an hour-long walk
  • Thursday: Pilates Barre class for 30 minutes
  • Friday: rest day or an hour-long walk if she wants to
  • Saturday: stretching from The Pilates Class
  • Sunday: tennis for 1 hour

At other points in her life, she’s incorporated more HIIT workouts and resistance training.


Natasha has a beautiful body and an incredible work ethic. Even though she’s a stunner, managing several companies isn’t easy. She’s been diligent to build her success, and she’s put in the hard work to maintain her wonderful body too. I’ve loved learning more about her routine. :)

Love Rachael Xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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