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Jessica Biel’s Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jun 13, 2021
Jessica Biel's diet and workout routine

I have always admired Jessica Biel. She is such a talented woman. She can sing, act, dance, cook, and play sports. On top of all this, she’s stunning!

Jessica and her husband Justin Timberlake had their second child earlier this year. As a mom myself, I love learning how other moms keep up with their fitness with kids in the house.

Here’s what Jessica does:

Jessica Biel’s Diet

Jessica Biel loves a good meal. She’s a foodie. In fact, Jessica used to co-own and manage a child-friendly restaurant in Los Angeles called Au Fudge. Some of the dishes at her restaurant included:

  • Truffle grilled cheese sticks
  • Rainbow pasta with magical butter sauce
  • Mussels in a chorizo saffron broth
  • Bowls of chicken nuggets

But these aren’t the types of meals Jessica eats on a regular basis. :) Eating well is very important to her. She enjoys cooking for herself and for her family when time permits, and it’s essential to her to make meals that are tasty and nutritious.

Although she doesn’t subscribe to any one diet plan, Jessica takes inspiration from Paleo and dairy-free diets. She typically feels her best when she limits wheat and dairy, in particular. Avoiding these ingredients helps her digestive system and her energy levels. However, Jessica also tries to be balanced. At times, she’ll enjoy a slice of bread (or cake!), cookies, pasta, wine, or pizza.

But, really, eating well is second nature to her. At home, Jessica relies on ingredients from her garden to make her meals. She grows vegetables all year long in California, and spinach and radishes are some of her favourite produce items from her yard. She mixes them together in a salad.

In addition to this, Jessica doesn’t eat a lot of meat. When she was in her 20s, she struggled with high cholesterol. In 2005, she announced she was becoming a vegan to help manage this. However, more recently, Jessica has mentioned eating sausage, salmon, and chicken. In general, her meals do not include a lot of meat (especially red meat, like steak), but she is no longer a vegetarian or a vegan.

Here’s what she eats on a day-to-day basis:

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What Jessica Biel Eats for Breakfast

Jessica and her family love Paleo pancakes. She uses a mix that is made primarily from coconut, and she likes that it doesn’t include any wheat. To top the pancakes off, she eats them with almond or cashew butter and locally sourced honey. When she wants extra protein, Jessica will also eat chicken sausage or scrambled eggs.

Jessica loves making fresh juice at home, and she also typically drinks green tea with honey in the morning.

All this sounds like a charming start to the day. But Jessica is the first to admit that her life is far from glamorous. As a busy working mom, she doesn’t always have time to eat in peace. Sometimes, she’ll take her food into the shower in the morning just to manage to eat it in time to start her day!

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What Jessica Biel Eats for Lunch

Because Jessica is so busy, her lunch meals need to be healthy and quick. One of her favourite meals as a working mom is a pre-made chicken Caesar wrap. The wrap she picks includes:

  • Chicken breast
  • Lettuce
  • Whole wheat tortilla
  • Ricotta Salata
  • Caesar dressing

When she’s eating lunch at home, Jessica often eats her kids’ leftovers. She says she catches herself acting as a human vacuum cleaner — eating the veggies, bits of protein pancakes, and sausage that her son doesn’t manage to finish in the morning. Luckily, Jessica tries to feed her son healthy food, so most of the leftovers are nutritious.

If she has the time to prepare lunch at home, she likes to make a salad with fresh vegetables from her garden. She tends to pick new vegetables every couple of days.

What Jessica Biel Eats for Dinner

Although she is no longer a vegan, Jessica still eats a lot of meat-free meals. For dinner, she is a big fan of vegetable pureed soup. She likes making purees because they are easy for her to make, they are light, and they are very nutritious.

To make a puree, she:

  1. Picks out her favourite vegetables. She will do this with a variety of veggies, but her go-to choices are broccoli, sweet potatoes, and squash.
  2. Adds seasoning to taste. She adds salt, pepper, and whatever other spices she is feeling like that day.
  3. Roasts the veggies in the oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit or 230 degrees Celsius for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Mixes the roasted vegetables in a blender to make a soup.

In addition to purees, Jessica likes to make veggies and grains for dinner. She especially likes preparing quinoa and farro. At times, she’ll include lamb, roasted chicken, or fish as a protein source too.

Jessica Biel’s Workout Routine

Jessica has always been a sporty person. As a child, she did gymnastics, and she played soccer as a teenager. But, even outside of sports, she was always active. Her family loved being outside, and she grew up hiking and doing other outdoor activities.

Now, her workout routine reflects her love for athleticism. Jessica continues to play sports throughout the year. In the winter, she snowboards. When it’s warmer out, she likes to golf and she plays volleyball.

In addition to playing sports, Jessica is dedicated to hitting the gym or working out at home. She doesn’t just stick to one type of training. She enjoys experimenting and making her body stronger.

Jessica trains with Ben Bruno, who has her do steady-state cardio workouts, jump training (or plyometrics), bodyweight exercises, and weighted resistance training.

Cardio Workouts

Jessica runs regularly. At times, she’ll go for longer, steady runs. Other times, she’ll do HIIT cardio workouts, alternating between sprinting and walking. Both are great forms of cardio, but they each help with weight loss in different ways. Because of this, I’m not surprised that she incorporates different cardio training styles in her routine.

In addition to her runs, Jessica does a lot of plyometric training. Plyometrics involves a lot of jumping moves to help build muscle power. People who train this way need to be both strong and fast, which makes this a popular training style for athletes. Volleyball players, for example, need to be able to jump quickly and with power, so a lot of their training involves plyometrics. Some common moves include:

  • Jump squats
  • One-leg hops
  • Cone jumps
  • Jumps on and off a box or bench

As you can probably tell, plyometric exercises are challenging. Not only do they primarily target the legs, but they also involve a lot of cardio work.

Jessica also loves to go hiking with her dogs and her family. They’ll go to the mountains outside of Los Angeles. When she was training to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, Jessica hiked a lot. She would wear a 30-pound backpack and hike or walk on an incline. Hiking (and walking in general) is a great cardio workout!

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Resistance Training

Jessica does a mixture of strength training workouts and yoga.

She says she primarily does yoga as a way to stretch and elongate her muscles. However, she also uses it to build strength. For example, yoga has helped her work up to being able to do handstands. She’s done yoga for over a decade, and she believes it helps her relax during busy times of life.

Jessica typically goes to at least two yoga sessions per week and two strength-training sessions. She loves training with her friends, and sometimes she and Justin will hit the gym for their date nights. Jessica is slim, but she’s also pretty muscular. She likes to work out with weights to help achieve this look and to feel strong.

In the gym, she does exercises like:

  • Pistol squats
  • Walking lunges
  • Front-and-back lunges
  • Forward lunges
  • Deadlifts
  • Rows
  • Push press
  • Jump squats

Most of her strength training workouts are done in circuits.

It’s worth to mention that overdoing on exercises such as squats and lunges can lead to unwanted muscle bulk. SO if you’re goal is to be more lean and toned, I’d probably avoid doing exercises like Jessica.

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Final Thoughts

Jessica seems like a burst of positivity. She has a lot of energy, and she wants to be the best for herself and her family. I love how devoted she is to working hard in her career and to being a present mom for her kids.

Despite all her hard work (and, at times, very busy schedule!), she continues to make time to take care of her body through healthy meals and exercise. I love that she makes sports she loves, like volleyball and hiking, a part of her fitness routine.

Let me know what you thought about Jessica’s routine!

Love Rachael Xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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