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Healthy Salted Caramel Popcorn Slice

By Rachael Attard, Updated Feb 27, 2018
healthy salted caramel popcorn slice

This was honestly one of my favourite ever creations! It is so good. Try it – you won’t regret it. OK here is the recipe for this amazing healthy salted caramel popcorn slice. Gluten, dairy and refined sugar free.

Ingredients (base)

  • 75g dairy free butter or coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar
  • 1/3 cup desiccated coconut
  • 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 3 tablespoons gluten free rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon cacao powder
  • Pinch of salt

Ingredients (filling)

  • 1/2 cup cashew (or other nut) butter
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons rice malt syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3/4 cup organic popcorn

Ingredients (topping)

  • Cacao nibs
  • 8 squares of organic coconut milk dark chocolate (which I bought here)


  1. Melt butter in microwave safe bowl. Add remaining base ingredients to bowl and mix well.
  2. Press into the base of a lined cake tin (rectangular).
  3. Bake at 180C / 350F for 15 minutes. Allow to cool.
  4. Combine all filling ingredients in a bowl and pour over base.
  5. Top with extra popcorn, cacao nibs and melted chocolate (which I just melted in the microwave for 30 seconds).

Makes 12 squares.

Download my 7 day slim down meal plan for free on my homepage :) xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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2 comments on “Healthy Salted Caramel Popcorn Slice”

    jemima hall says:

    what could be a replacement for cup cashew (or other nut) butter

      Rachael Attard says:

      Hi lovely, hmm to tell you the truth, I actually don’t know! Perhaps you could try a seed butter like pumpkin seed or tahini! xx

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