Comments on: #127 13 Strategies That Will Help You Lose Belly Fat Tue, 03 Oct 2017 13:42:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachael Attard Tue, 03 Oct 2017 13:42:16 +0000 In reply to Rachel bishop.

Hi lovely! Thanks for your kind words :) Well you could do heavy lifting if you want to – it will definitely help you tone up your tummy and lose the belly fat, but it definitely won’t slim down your thighs and will likely make them bigger. If you’re OK with this, then it might be worth doing. But losing muscle is harder than gaining it so will take a while for your legs to slim down again. I think it would be better to do the lighter style resistance workouts (do the free workouts on my blog!) and perhaps add in 1-2 non bulking HIIT workouts to help shed the belly fat quicker without bulking your legs. I hope that helps! Good luck :) xx

By: Rachel bishop Mon, 02 Oct 2017 14:55:02 +0000 Hi Rachael, I recently found your website and have been obsessively reading your blog posts. I like to think that I am a fitness information junky unfortunately all that info hasn’t helped me see the results I desire. I was pretty overweight and have through lots of cardio lost almost all the pounds that I need to, I have been counting my macros for about three months now and have seen good signs. My problem is that I am now skinny fat, even with doing body weight/ weights off and on. My trouble with losing those last few pounds and transforming my body has proven harder than losing 15 pounds, I’ve done Tone it up for a few months now but i keep searching for a plan that I gel with, because I have a fear of bulking up. My family has a history of bulking, especially us girls plus I’m pretty sure I’m a mesomorph. I gain my weight in upper thigh and lower waist mid section area and I can’t seem to get the last squishy look to budge. Here’s my question, sorry this is so long.
Do I lift super heavy, I read somewhere that lifting heavy will burn the last few pounds away, and then see if that dose the trick. And if I bulk up then focus on leaning out?
I know I can’t just do cardio, which is my main focus right now. I don’t know really what to do and don’t want to waist my time doing the wrong thing, but that just means I’m doing nothing. I eat very healthy mostly clean prot and veggies, I have been very low calorie for some time now and have been slowly adding in more nutrient foods and learning to eat healthy good carbs, whereas before I was afraid of all carbs and fruit sugar limiting almost everything in those areas to nothing.
What would you do if you were me? I’m not fat by any means just un toned and unsure how to lean out my waist and thighs. Any advice would be helpful, I’d love to get your ebooks but right now money’s tight, any advice in the meantime whilst I save up would be appreciated. Thanks for dedicating a website to women and telling the truth about hormones and muscle I’ve found your articles very refreshing as opposed to those body building websites.
