Comments on: #112 How To Get Back On Track After You’ve Gained Weight Mon, 07 Sep 2015 05:07:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachael Attard Mon, 07 Sep 2015 05:07:03 +0000 In reply to Claire.

Hi Claire, thanks for all of your support! Aww I am sorry to hear this. It definitely sounds like the issue is with your eating and being able to stick to it. If you really restrict yourself, it will make you feel deprived and you’ll want to eat those bad foods. Try to change your thinking so that you are eating healthy 80% of the time, but having treats 20% of the time. That way, you know that if you REALLY want the bad food, you can have it! Just only have it when you really really want it. And yes feel free to email me if you need to hun x

By: Rachael Attard Mon, 07 Sep 2015 05:03:55 +0000 In reply to Casey S.

Hi Casey, great work for getting through 1 week! That is a great achievement so don’t forget it. It sounds like your issue is sticking it out for a good 8-12 weeks. Remember that it will take longer than 2 weeks to see any change so don’t give up! Keep a food and exercise diary to see where you may be going wrong (trust me it works!). Otherwise have a read of some of my other blog posts on bloating and why you may not be losing weight xx

By: Rachael Attard Mon, 07 Sep 2015 05:01:29 +0000 In reply to Michele P.

Hi Michele, I think the Paleo diet is actually great. I try to stick to this, but I am not 100% perfect! Just be wary of eating TOO much fat as it is high in calories x

By: Michele P Sun, 06 Sep 2015 14:55:18 +0000 Hi Rachael! I was wondering if you think it would be a good idea to do the paleo diet or if there are any other types of diets that are good and safe. Thanks!

By: Casey S Fri, 04 Sep 2015 22:57:41 +0000 Hi Rachael! I just got done of week 1 of eating healthy, and exercising everyday. This is my fourth attempt due to lack of motivation and the fact whenever I do eat healthy and exercise I get more bloated. It makes me easy to give up. Sometimes, after a week or two, I don’t see much difference at all. I do full body weight training 3x a week and cardio or HIIT 3x a week plus one rest day. I typical day of eating consists of an egg and banana every morning followed by a salad of spinach and peppers with berries for lunch, and dinner is chicken with avocado. Snacks in between are carrots or greek yogurt. I don’t know whats wrong or causing the bloat, but thank you for taking the time to read!

By: Claire Fri, 04 Sep 2015 19:59:21 +0000 Hi Rachael :) I’ve already sent you a message in the past and I keep following you! Thanks for being here!
I really try hard to achieve my goals thanks to your advice but I cannot :( one day, I’m determined and another one, I binge eating and then, am desperate. I’ve already succeeded in loosing weight with my meal plan but now, I can’t anymore.
Sport is not my problem, it’s definitely food. I’m used to fixing lunch and dinner, it’s not helping me because I’m somehow always too close to food. I really want to eat healthy meals as much as possible but when I don’t have a lot of time, it’s always hard. I’m also looking for a healthy pack lunch.
I’m in high school but still, keep enough time to do my sport 3 times per week.
So, as you can see, I tried a lot and can’t understand why I cannot keep in mind to be careful. I know something is bad but I won’t stop because it’s compulsive. It’s so awful!
Is it possible to keep talking by mail? Time flies and I’m feeling bad :(
