Comments on: Will These Exercises Make My Legs Bigger? Mon, 02 Aug 2021 04:56:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lean Legs Support Mon, 02 Aug 2021 04:56:39 +0000 In reply to Lenka W.

Hi lovely,

This really depends on what type of dancing you are doing and how much you’re doing. If you’re dancing for really long periods every day, then your legs may increase in size, regardless of what dancing you’re doing. Overusing your leg muscles can cause bulkiness.
If your style of dance requires lots of jumping and moving from sitting to standing, or barre then it may cause bulkiness. But again, this depends on your body type too. :)

By: Lenka W Sun, 01 Aug 2021 00:20:44 +0000 Hi Rachael,

thank you very much for your useful posts. I like your opinions and appreciate you share your knowledge! I have had so much issues with bulking up from various sports and as for my work I need a lean body, it is a big trouble.

What do you think please of ballet ? the class I go to consists of traditional barre and dance on the floor or a combination of a stretch and the barre. The barre usually has about 3 squats but other than that it is mostly legs kicking. I wonder about your thoughts.

Thank you very much.

By: Len - Lean Legs Support Tue, 09 Mar 2021 02:30:19 +0000 In reply to Valentina Robles.

Hi lovely,

Thanks for reaching out! :)

If your legs get bulky easily and you want to avoid building more muscle, the best exercises to avoid are those where you can feel your quads burning. This includes squats, deadlifts, lunges, and overdoing it on the HIIT exercises including burpees, jump lunges, jump squats, and box jumps. Following the right type of exercises and diet for your body type will definitely help. Feel free to take Rachael’s body type quiz and email the results to so we can give some general guidelines. :)

By: Valentina Robles Mon, 08 Mar 2021 03:32:04 +0000 ]]> Hi Rachael! How are you doing? I’m from Chile! And I’m quite confused with the differences between skipping and HIIT high knee runs (no longer than 40 seconds and 2 reps). Can this bulk up my legs? I do circuit training 3 times a week, I’m a mesomorph, and I think my legs are a little muscular (not bulky yet though). Also, what do you think of these HIIT exercises?
– jumping jacks
– battle rope
– jumps
– buttkicks
– bodyweight squats and lunges
– Kettelbell swings
– I know burpees can bulk up, but I won’t do more than 20 reps for class, again I have a little more muscular legs and I would love to slim them down without losing weight. But it would also be ok if they stay this way, my fear is bulking them more (I don’t lift heavy weights, the circuits include bodyweight and suspension training exercises and occasional kettlebell swings – 8 kgs)
Thank you very much for helping, I’m reading all of your articles 😍

By: Len - Lean Legs Support Sat, 20 Feb 2021 04:39:35 +0000 In reply to CM.

Hi lovely,

Thanks for reaching out! :)

I don’t think this machine will really cause bulkiness, but it won’t slim down your legs like running and walking will. The pushing down motion means you engage your quads more so it will build more muscle here. But it’s not the style of workout that will necessarily cause bulkiness. If you can’t walk or run for some reason, the cross trainer is the next best thing. But I would encourage running and especially walking if you can!


By: CM Fri, 19 Feb 2021 19:27:15 +0000 Ok, so I have access to an elliptical but not to walking/running or anything outside. Is there a way for an elliptical to be a substitute for walking/running outside to have leaner legs?
