Have you ever been to a gym or a group training and felt... uncomfortable?

A fitness environment can be very intimidating.

This is why I wanted to create a community and a safe space for women to uplift each other.

A place where you can fall in love with the process of sculpting your body.

And I'd like to create that space together with you. :)

Join our challenge and become part of this movement!

Train with me for 8 weeks and share your fitness journey to inspire others!

Hi Lovely!

A Word From Rachael

Share Your Journey Challenge

Check Out These Lovelies Who Inspired Other Women To start Their Journey  

If you don't follow any of our programs yet and you can't start now, no worries!

We'll organise one Challenge in January and then another one in March. :)

So lovely, are you ready to take the plunge and join us and thousands of other girls who follow our programs?

Are you ready to be challenged and motivated to become the best version of yourself?

Let's do this together!


Who Can Enter the Challenge?

If you're following our 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program,  Lean Legs Video Course, G.A.L. Program or all of them, you can participate.

How Do I Enter the Challenge?

  • Send us pictures of yourself before and after completing our program. 
  • Send us a brief story about your experience with the program (when did you start seeing results, which part of the program helped you the most, did you struggle with something)

When Should I Share My Pictures and How?

You should share your pictures and story by January 31, 2022 which means you should start our program ASAP! 

You should send your pictures to our email - info@rachaelattard.com

When Are You Going to Share the Most Inspirational Pictures and Stories?

For this round, we're going to share the most inspirational pictures and stories on February 3, 2022!

If your pictures and story get picked, we're going to share them on our social media, in emails and on our website. We'll just need your first name and nationality. You can also let us share your last name and tag you on Instagram. But that's totally up to you :)

If You Share My Pictures and Story, Can I Stay Anonymous?

If your pictures and story gets picked, Rachael is going to send you a gift as token of her appreciation. You can choose between a yoga mat and a workout equipment bundle (a resistance band, ankle weights and gliding discs). All of these are from the brands Rachael personally uses and thinks are the best.

What's the Prize I'm Going to Get If I Win?

Get amazing results and become an inspiration to others!
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April Challenge - Maria's Journey

Maria, Russia

"I’ve tried everything, special legs workouts, gym, fitness, yoga, pilates and as a result, my upper body was getting even thinner and lower body either stayed the same or became even bigger and bulkier. I wish I found your program earlier!"

February Challenge - Alex's Journey

Alex, United States

"These photos are 3 weeks apart and seeing this improvement in such a short time has made me even more motivated!! For years I’ve been doing HIIT training and endless squats thinking it would make me more toned and shed fat. Thank you for creating this plan that actually WORKS!! ♥️♥️♥️"

Samantha, New Zealand

Before I found the LL program I was doing so many HIIT workouts and was always fatigued with constant injuries setting me back. Whereas now I am just so full of energy and have a set of fantastic go to healthy recipes from the program that are fantastic and so easy to make!

November Challenge - Sam's Journey


How to Track Your Progress Properly


But what if i don't follow any of 
your programs yet?

Share your journey is an 8-week challenge for all women who follow any of our programs. 
If you train with us for 8 weeks and document your progress with pictures, you can enter the challenge and win cool prizes. :)

Who Can Enter the Challenge?

Anyone who does our: 

or all of these can enter.


How Do I Join In?

  • Send us an image of yourself before, and after completing our program. 
  • Send us a brief story about your experience with our program 
  • Send both at info@rachaelattard.com :)

When Do I Send My Pics

We organise the Challenge every 2 months. The next Challenge is going to be in January.

If you send us your story and "before" and "after" pictures by January 31st, you can win cool prizes! :)

What Are the Prizes

If your story and pictures gets picked as the most inspirational ones, we are going to send you a gift of your choice:

  • Yoga mat from some of Rachael's favourite brands
  • Equipment bundle for our program - ankle weights, gliding discs and a resistance band


Everyone who starts any of our programs will get an invite to join our Facebook community. Join thousands of women who are on the exact same journey as you are and get all the support you need to reach your goals.





OK, we know this one can be a bit intimidating but, we promise you, this is the best way to track your progress. Just imagine comparing you "before" and "after" pictures! You look and feel amazing. :) 



Start your training with Rachael and watch your body and lifestyle transform. You're feeling more confident and stronger every week. You got this!



After 8 weeks, take an "after" photo of your whole body and compare it with you "before" picture. Your legs are slimmer, your belly and booty are tighter. You're feeling good in your body! Let's celebrate and share you success!



It's time to share your success! Write down how you felt while following our program and send your story and "before" and "after" photos to info@rachaelattard.com  We can't wait to read your story and celebrate your progress!



If you win, we're going to share your success with our community to motivate and inspire other women! And we're also going to send you a gift as a token of our appreciation (a yoga mat or an equipment bundle). :)

Copyright (c) 2019 Rachael Attard. All Rights Reserved.

  • Take at least one "before" and one "after" photo. 
  • Your "before" and "after" photos should ideally show your whole body on a clean, white background. 
  • You should be standing the same in both photos.
  • Your photos should be clear and of good quality.
  • You should be wearing the same outfit in your "before" and "after" photo.
  • If you follow these 4 steps, you'll be able to see your progress more clearly. Seeing progress is super motivating and it's going to help you keep going. :)
  • We don't recommend weighing yourself. This method of tracking progress is not the most reliable one and besides, you're so much more than a number on a scale. So throw away the scale and focus on the fact you're doing something great for yourself. You are amazing and we're so proud of you for taking this step to living a healthier lifestyle.

Take "Before" & "After" Photos

We know that taking a "before" photo doesn't come easy. No one really likes taking pictures of themselves when they are not feeling their best. But we promise you it's worth it. 

Just imagine comparing your "before" and "after" photos and seeing how far you've come! And also remember that we are our own worst critic so be gentle to yourself. We already think you are amazing. :)

We know that taking a "before" photo doesn't come easy. No one really likes taking pictures of themselves when they are not feeling their best. But we promise you it's worth it. 

Just imagine comparing your "before", "during" and "after" photos and seeing how far you've come! And also remember that we are our own worst critic so be gentle to yourself. We already think you are amazing. :)

Write About Your Fitness Journey

Sculpting your body and getting healthier is a process and it may take some time. But this process can be beautiful and incredibly rewarding. And we want to help you fall in love with this process and truly enjoy changing you lifestyle (and body).

Writing about your experience, comparing your notes day to day and week to week will help you see how far you've come. It will motivate you to keep going and appreciate all that you've done so far. 

  • Write about your struggles and how you overcame them - this will help other women who are struggling with the same 
  • Write what helped you stay motivated and what parts of our program you liked the most - this will inspire other women to stick to their fitness routine.

We cannot wait to hear your story!

Sculpting your body and getting healthier is a process and it may take some time. But this process can be beautiful and incredibly rewarding. And we want to help you fall in love with this process and truly enjoy changing you lifestyle (and body).

Writing about your experience, comparing your notes day to day and week to week will help you see how far you've come. It will motivate you to keep going and appreciate all that you've done so far.