Comments on: Most Common Workout Injuries And How To Prevent Them Tue, 17 Dec 2019 15:03:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Diana - Lean Legs Support Fri, 26 Jul 2019 14:36:05 +0000 In reply to Melissa.

Hi lovely,
I’m so happy to hear you’ve been enjoying the program! :) Yes, walking is even better than running for slimming down the legs, so you will still get results (walking is the best substitute for running).
The best way to fix uneven sides of your body is to do unilateral exercises (training one side of your body at a time, so you can use them equally).
Most of the leg workouts in our Lean Legs Program are unilateral, so make sure that you’re doing the same number of sets and repetitions for each leg and try to keep the mind-muscle connection while performing these exercises. Power walking doesn’t build muscle, so it won’t affect the size of your thighs.
Wishing you all the best! xx


By: Melissa Wed, 24 Jul 2019 10:04:23 +0000 Hi Rachael

I am currently on week 2 of the mesomorph program, and am loving it so far.

I have not done the running though, as I really hate it and I have mild scoliosis so I am not meant to run in any case. I have been substituting the 30min runs for 45min power walks – is that a good enough substitution or should the walk be longer to compensate?

I have also noticed that due to the scoliosis, my left hip is ever so slightly higher than my right hip, so my right leg feels longer than my left. After the power walks I have felt as though the muscles in my right leg are more sore than the left. Is there any possibility that one leg will end up bigger/smaller than the other with the amount of power walking I am doing? I measured them and they are both the same right now.

All the advice I have been given for scoliosis, is to do core strengthening exercises so the one side doesn’t keep on overcompensating for the other. There is quite a lot of core work in your program so I am hoping that this is enough to help.

I would love your advice on the above if you have ever encountered anything like this with others on your program :)

Thanks so much for creating this – I can’t wait to send the before and after pics in 6 week’s time :)

By: Diana - Lean Legs Support Wed, 06 Mar 2019 03:15:30 +0000 In reply to Nancy Northrop.

Hi lovely,
If your thighs get bulky easily I wouldn’t do rowing too often. It’s a great cardio workout, but it relies heavily on your quads. If you focus only on your upper body, it could be a good option.
For more helpful tips please have a read of this blog post:


By: Nancy Northrop Sun, 03 Mar 2019 12:18:23 +0000 Hi Rachael! I love rowing (Concept 2). I already have too muscular thighs but also extra fat on them. If I row on low resistance and concentrate on my back and arms, an it reduce my muscle? It’s essentially no weight but repetitive motion. Thanks!

By: Diana - Lean Legs Support Thu, 28 Feb 2019 22:10:29 +0000 In reply to Candy.

Hi lovely,
That depends on how you’re feeling in general. If you’re unable to breathe properly and you’re feeling less strong, then it’s best to take some time to recover. If you feel like you can work out normally, then there’s no reason not to. Wishing you a speedy recovery! :) xx


By: Candy Wed, 27 Feb 2019 21:33:59 +0000 I was wondering should you work out if you have a cold or sinus infection? I have been told yes and no.
