Comments on: #41 How To Get A Flat Stomach Part 4: Ectomorph Nutrition and Workout Guideline Fri, 18 Sep 2020 11:22:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sara - Lean Legs Support Fri, 18 Sep 2020 11:22:04 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

Hi lovely <3,

Here is a post on guidelines for lovely Ectomorphs.<3

Also, here's a bit more about nutrition. :)

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions you can email us at!:)


By: Michelle Fri, 18 Sep 2020 03:59:15 +0000 Hello,
My name is Michelle. I am 35 and an ectomorph weighing about 123lbs at 5’2”. I have always been a harder gainer growing up. I’m petite with skinny arms and legs, but fat has been developing on my stomach, giving me that baby bump look. My stomach bulges out especially after eating a meal. I can easily feel full just drinking water. I want to tone up, and lose the belly fat without losing weight or getting any smaller. Most people tend to think I’m underweight based on how I look. I’m not going to the gym right now due to covid. So what kind of diet and exercise should I focus on. I try to eat well, but not perfectly.

By: Marina - Lean Legs Support Mon, 15 Jun 2020 19:09:16 +0000 In reply to Jessica.

Hey lovely,

Thanks for reaching out!

You said you’re using some apps for tracking your fitness but 30 000 steps in 34 min seems quite a lot. 8 km is usually around 10 000 steps.

When it comes to getting a flat stomach, the trick is in your diet. No amount of training will help, if your diet is not on point. I would highly recommend reading this blog post.

If you don’t know how many calories you should be eating, please read this blog.

To learn how to count your macros, check out this blog post and to learn how to count your macros, follow this link.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! xx


By: Jessica Mon, 15 Jun 2020 17:40:05 +0000 Hi there.
I’m a 5 ft 3 inches tall 37 year old woman who is a ‘skinny fat’ ectomorph. I weigh 132.2 pounds and would like to loose excess fat, and get a flat stomach. I’d like to loose weight and get down to 112 pounds. I have lean legs naturally. I do a 3 km walk 6 days/week outside at a steady pace going up inclines and declines. It takes me 34 minutes usually to complete the walk which is about 30, 000 steps. I could do low impact exercises or training in moderation as I have a heart condition.
I don’t know how many calories to consume or macros to input but I do have myfitness pal app and mapmywalk app. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

By: Rachael Attard Mon, 27 Mar 2017 23:22:19 +0000 In reply to marc.

Hi Marc! It’s hard for me to know how many calories you need without knowing your weight. I do have a blog post on how to calculate it, but it’s for women. I use the revised Harris Benedict equation, but have a look at this website. You can enter in your gender, height, weight, etc and it will tell you how many calories you need to eat. If you’re not getting results though, you could probably reduce your calories. Exercise also really helps to get rid of belly fat. The best workouts for you would be heavy weight lifting (focus on full body exercises such as squats, deadlifts, pull ups, seated row, bench press, etc), or high intensity interval training. Anything that’s intense is the best. 3 days per week should also be enough to get results, but you could always increase it to 4 if you can :) Good luck!

By: marc Sun, 26 Mar 2017 14:51:57 +0000 Hi I came across your page, my names Marc, im 30, 175cms tall, im currently eating 2900 calories, I go to the gym 3 times a week, not very active apart from that, what should i do in order to get rid of my belly fat? Im muscly, but i have belly fat. should i reduce calories?,
