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#174 Smoothies To Avoid

By Rachael Attard, Updated Nov 13, 2019
how to eat sugar and not gain weight

I make myself a smoothie for breakfast almost every morning! There are so many new healthy smoothie bars popping up everywhere, which is awesome. But some of these smoothies can contain HUGE amounts of calories and sugar, even though they are supposedly healthy.

There a million different smoothies out there, so here are some tips on what smoothies to avoid to make sure you’re not eating a calorie bomb.

Fruit Juice

Avoid any smoothie that has a base made from fruit juice. It is highly likely that this fruit juice contains lots of added sugar, as most fruit juices do. If it is a freshly squeezed juice, then go for it! If not, avoid.

Added Granola / Toppings

I try to avoid smoothie bowls that add extra granola / toppings, just because this often adds a lot more extra calories that I don’t need. Smoothies already have enough calories and should enough to keep you full, without adding more.lose belly fat

Sweetened Coconut Water / Almond Milk / Soy Milk Etc

You don’t have to avoid these types of bases (I love using almond milk in my smoothies!). But make sure they’re using the unsweetened version. Some of these can contains LOTS of added sugar, so just beware.


The fruit in the smoothie (hopefully fresh!) should be enough to make it sweet. Avoid any smoothies with added sweeteners such as honey.how to eat sugar and not gain weight

Frozen Yoghurt

Again with the sugar. Avoid any smoothie made with frozen yoghurt, as will likely contain a lot of sugar and calories.

Flavoured Syrup

You want the smoothie contain REAL fruit, to get the great health benefits. If they’re using a fake flavoured syrup, this will contain LOTS of sugar. Avoid!how to eat sugar and not gain weight

I still have smoothies almost everyday, but I make them myself. I think they are a great part of any healthy eating plan and are included in my eBooks. For more info on my eBooks, click here xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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4 comments on “#174 Smoothies To Avoid”

    Nonnie Williams-Abel says:

    Hi. What brand of protein powder do you recommend? Or better yet ready made protein shakes.

      Marina - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Rachael usually recommends plant based protein powders as they don’t have any dairy which can cause some unpleasant side effects.
      Of course, you can use whey powder if you prefer and aren’t lactose intolerant.

      Here are some of the best protein powders:

      Vega Clean Protein

      Livwell protein blend

      PranaOn Plant Protein

      For more helpful tips please have a read of this blog post.

      Let me know if you have any other questions! xx


    Calla says:

    Hi! What are some smoothie lines that are okay for dieting and weight loss? Is Jamba Juice or Smoothie King’s vegetable ones okay?



      Rachael Attard says:

      Hi Calla, I don’t know any smoothie lines specifically that are great… It just depends on the ingredients. I couldn’t find the Smoothie King vegetable ones, but most of their smoothies are very high in sugar. Some of the Jamba Juice vegetable smoothies look OK. But I would just check the nutritional content before choosing one. As long as they use whole fruit (no fruit juice), low sugar liquids (i.e. no added sugar almond milk), and don’t have more then 2-3 serves of fruit, then it should be fine! xx

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