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Lean Legs Workout

By Rachael Attard, Updated Nov 18, 2019
lean legs workout

Hi lovelies,

This is a lean legs workout that will help you tone your thighs without making them bigger. :)

I know that for a lot of women, the leg area can be problematic. Most of us store more fat in our hips and thighs naturally and some of us have gained too much leg muscle from lifting weights or doing squats.

That’s why I love creating workouts that will help you slim and tone your legs without adding bulk!

You can do this workout on its own, or add it at the end of your workout for an extra burn. I did mine straight after cardio :)

Also you don’t need any equipment for this workout which is perfect if you don’t have the time to go to the gym.

Good luck and let me know if you try it! Xx



  • Complete each exercise for 30-45 seconds and do all exercises on one leg, before moving to the next.
  • Complete 2-3 rounds, and rest for 1-2 minutes after each round.


This one and the next one are great for your legs and for your booty. :)

lean legs workout

You can hold onto a chair for support (optional).


lean legs workout

You can hold onto a chair for support (optional).


lean legs workout

This workout is great for your inner thighs but it will also challenge your core. :)


lean legs workout

Lying leg kicks are great for hips and thighs but also for your abs.


lean legs workout

And the last one targets your glutes and inner thighs.

I have lots of other great workouts that will help you tone up your butt and thighs, without increasing the size of your legs. So please have a look at my Blog and Youtube! :)

I should also mention my 3 Steps To Lean Legs Program which is designed to help you get lean and toned legs.

So if you like this style of training that gives you a toned look without making you bulky, my program might be perfect for you :)

Love Rachael Xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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23 comments on “Lean Legs Workout”

    Valerie says:

    Do you think with eating intuitively and combining your moves to not add bulk with walking flat surfaces that I will see results. If I make better food choices? I just would like to be free of calorie counting

      Len - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Yes, hun. Nutrition is a huge factor in your fitness journey so as long as you keep a healthy diet and you exercise consistently, you will definitely achieve great results. :)

      If you need more help or tips, feel free to email us at info@rachaelattard.com


    Steph says:

    Hi! I am a mesomorph and I’m planning on doing the lean legs program soon, but I was hoping to get more exercise in on top of the program as I am a modern dancer. Are there certain workouts/exercises I should avoid doing on top of the program that might keep my legs and waist from thinning out?

      Ana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hey lovely!

      These exercises might bulk you up from my experience:

      – Heavy weight lifting,
      – Overdoing HIIT (I have some HIIT workouts on my blog that won’t make you bulky, have a look at these Full Body HIIT That Won’t Add Bulk, HIIT Ab Workout),
      – CrossFit (If you are an ectomorph you can most likely do it and any of these exercises, without getting too bulky, but the other body types might not),
      – Step machine,
      – Hill sprints.

      I hope this helps! xx


    Danielle says:

    Hi Rachel!
    I have a mesomorph body type with bulky thighs and inner thigh fat. My thighs are toned, so my main focus is slimming. Would you still suggest to incorporate resistance training? Also, it’s a bit difficult for me to take long power walks at the moment. Are there any substitute low-intensity cardio workouts I can do at home that’ll have the same benefit?
    Thank you so much!

    Michelle says:

    r these thigh workouts for mesomorphs body type in your lean legs ebook???

      Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely!
      Yes, some of these workouts are from the Lean Legs Program. :) xx


    Amber says:

    Rachel I just want to take a second to thank you for all of your lovely information and express how happy I am that I finally found something that has been working for me. I have always struggled with my relationship with working out because I feel that I bulk easily… It was a lose-lose battle because I wouldn’t want to run or life (which felt like the only options considered an actual workout- obviously a fallacy) and I would feel terrible if I did not work out. But I have been walking for an hour a day before I eat breakfast and doing pilates sometime during the day whether abs or legs or bum and I have never seen my body respond in this way before! I feel lean and somehow even taller. So, thank you! I have found my perfect online personal trainer with you. Cheers

      Rachael Attard says:

      Aww you are so welcome Amber!! I’m really happy to hear that I have been able to help you change your workouts (and mentality) and you’re getting the results you want. Good for you! Thanks for brightening my day :) xx

    Ivana says:

    Hello, I am very, very slimm in my upper body, so thin arms and shoulders, so much you can see my ribs showing. But my butt and hips are totally different story, so much fat especialy in thutt area, just underneath butt and on the sides. What can you recommend cause I bulk very easily?

      Rachael Attard says:

      Hi Ivana, I would do walking to slim down your legs and then do full body resistance training to tone up your upper body. I also really recommend boxing as it is great for toning up your upper body and core without adding size! xx

    Eva Lubomirova says:

    Hi, Rachael :) I am endomorph and have short legs. Do you thing Tracy Anderson method is apropriate, especially the dance cardio part?
    Thnaks :)

      Rachael Attard says:

      Hi Eva, I’ve seen some of her workouts and they do look great! I haven’t seen much of the dance cardio but her method does seem to be about slimming not bulking so I think it would be appropriate :) xx

    Alexia says:

    Hi dear,
    I have an endomorph body type so I easily get bulky. I really would like to lose fat around the knee and it really embarrassing me :/ I cut down sweets and gluten also 4times a week gym but still no results . What you`d suggest pls?

    Tori says:

    Hey Rachael!
    What do you think of Kayla Itsines’ workout plans?

      Rachael Attard says:

      Hi Tori, i’ve never personally done it. But I know BBG is very HIIT focused. I think this can work really well for some people and others tend to get bulky legs because of it, but it’s really a personal preference! It definitely helps with the abs though :) xx

        Ellie says:

        Definitely agree with this!

    Riley Mae says:

    Hey Rachael! What are your thoughts on cankles and chubby calves? Do you have any workouts specifically for those areas that won’t bulk? Will walking be the best to make them smaller? I have a lot of muscle and fat in my calves and I’m curious if you have any advice on those areas?? I have thin thighs, which make my calves even more noticable… Thanks I’m advance!!

      Rachael Attard says:

      Hi lovely, please have a read of my blog post on how to slim calves. It should have all of the information you need! But if you have any other questions, feel free to ask :) xx

        Riley Mae says:

        Thank you! That was super helpful! How long do you suggest to walk or run per day? If I were to have my fasted walking where I don’t eat for the day yet, how long should that walk or run be? Have you found there’s a good amount of time per day? I’m not new to working out, but I would suggest that my workout level is around intermediate. What do you suggest?
        Thanks in advance!

          Rachael Attard says:

          Hi Riley, I like to go for about an hour walk in the morning (fasted). You can do more or less though, depending on how much time you have. If you run in the morning, I would suggest starting with a 5 min walk, then running for around 20-30 minutes, and finishing with a 20 minute walk :) xx

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