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Full Body Burn Workout

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jan 4, 2020
full body burn workout

This is a full body burn workout that will help you get toned without bulking up.

I love doing this type of resistance training because it helps me get leaner and toned without making me too muscular.

Victoria’s Secret models also do workouts like this and the results are of course amazing :)



  • Do all exercises for 30-45 seconds (don’t forget to do both sides!).
  • Complete 3 rounds. 


full body burn workout
full body burn workout
bodyweight resistance training
bodyweight resistance training
resistance training for toned body


Resistance training is a massive part of my fitness routine. It helps me build muscle and gives me a defined and toned look.

But some types of resistance training, like lifting heavy weights, just don’t work well for me and my body type.

I’ve always prefered a leaner and slimmer look. But when I do heavy weights I become too bulky for my own liking.

That’s why I tend to do bodyweight resistance training like this one. It makes my muscles toned and it gives me a more lean appearance.

So if your fitness goal is to be slim and toned but not too muscular, this workout will be perfect for you.

For more workouts, click here or follow me on Instagram :)

Let me know what other workouts you would like to see!

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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2 comments on “Full Body Burn Workout”

    Jane says:

    Hi Rachael!
    First of all I want to thank you for providing free workout videos! I notice most of your videos mostly consist of strength training workouts. I know you say that cardio is also essential and that walking is a great form of cardio; however I want something a bit more intense but also something that won’t bulk me up. What do you suggest? Are boxing/kickboxing good options?
    Also how long should a single cardio workout be (in minutes)?
    I still want to do my daily walking but I want to add in something more challenging as walking is just second nature at this point.
    Thanks as always!

      Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,
      Thanks a lot for your support!That’s a great question. :)
      The types of cardio (besides walking) that won’t bulk you up are: running, boxing/kickboxing and swimming, zumba and some forms of dance cardio. If you’re unable to walk or run for some reason, you can also use the elliptical machine, but it won’t be effective in slimming down your legs like walking and running will.
      We recommend walking as much as you can, at least 45-60 minutes per day. Another, higher intensity cardio can be done 20-30 minutes a few days per week.
      For more helpful tips please have a read of this blog post:


      Diana xx

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