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How to detox after Christmas and New Year’s Eve

By Rachael Attard, Updated Aug 18, 2020

The holiday season is a wonderful time. I love celebrating with my family and friends, and Christmas and New Years Eve celebrations help us all come together!

Even though I think the holidays are special, I also know that holiday eating and drinking can have a negative effect on your health. If you feel like you have overindulged over the holidays, following a healthy detox can boost your physical and mental energy.

In this blog, I’ll give you some of the tips I’ve learned over the years to help your mind and body recover faster after all the fun you’ve had!how to detox after christmas new year's eve


Eating clean after the holiday season is a great way to kickstart healthy eating habits for the New Year! It also helps your body recover from all the goodies, drinks, and delicious meals you’ve had.

I’ve already written about how to eat clean (even if you’re busy or you eat at restaurants a lot!), but here are a few of my favorite guidelines:

  1. Drink lots of water.
  2. Eat as many vegetables as you want.
  3. Limit processed foods, as they are often full of sugar and other preservatives.

Try it out for 1 week and I promise you’ll be feeling back on the healthy bandwagon!

I’ve also created a healthy diet plan that’s perfect for your detox. It is free of gluten, dairy, and refined sugars, and it includes 10 delicious meals! I highly recommend trying this in the new year. Download my Free 7-Day Meal Plan here.how to detox after christmas new year's eve



Sweet potatoes, bananas, and avocados are great foods to eat when you’re feeling tired and need some extra nutrition and energy. They are all full of potassium, which is a mineral and electrolyte that your body often loses after a night of eating and drinking.

If you are nauseous or you have a headache (typical hangover symptoms), potassium can help you feel better.


Brown rice, unlike white rice, has lots of vitamins, fibre, and minerals. It also includes 88% of your recommended daily intake of manganese, which helps you break down carbs and have more energy overall.

Brown rice also helps you regulate your blood sugar levels so that they don’t spike and drop throughout the day.how to detox after christmas new year's eve


These greens are great to be eating all throughout the year! But they’re especially great when your body is weak.

The veggies all contain a plant chemical called glucosinolates. This chemical is really good for your liver. It helps your body detox, and it gives your immune system extra protection.



Alcohol and unusual eating habits (like suddenly eating lots of roasts, pies, and other holiday meals that you don’t normally indulge in) can upset your digestive system. Chia seeds are full of healthy fat and soluble fiber, and they help your system adjust to the shock its been through.

Chia seeds also have lots of omega-3 fatty acids. When you’re body doesn’t have enough of these fatty acids, it is often tired and inflamed. Chia seeds are a tasty, helpful way to fix that!how to detox after christmas new year's eve


Tumeric helps your body get rid of all the toxins you might consume during the holidays. It helps your immune system get stronger, and it lowers your chances of being tired or even of getting sick.

Tumeric can also help your liver and gallbladder produce bile, so you can digest your food even better!


Alcohol and holiday foods are often full of simple carbohydrates. By the time you’re ready to detox, your body will probably be craving protein.

Protein helps your body recover faster, and it also boosts your metabolism.

Some great protein sources include:

  • Lean meats such as chicken and turkey
  • Fish such as tuna and salmon
  • Eggs
  • Nuts

how to detox after christmas new year's eve


When you’re at holiday parties, it can be hard to remember to ask for water, but try not to forget! Drinking water with your meals or alongside alcohol helps your body tremendously. Water helps keep you from overeating and drinking.

A lot of the symptoms of a hangover come from being dehydrated. Alcohol naturally causes dehydration, but it can also cause some side effects (like vomiting) that make dehydration worse.

When you’re detoxing after the holiday season, getting enough water helps your body recover faster from the dehydration that you experienced. After a night of partying, try drinking a glass (or more) of water before going to bed. Of course, drinking a lot the next day will help too! :)

Here are a few of my suggestions to make sure you’re drinking those 8 glasses a day!how to detox after christmas new year's eve


Sometimes, over-eating and over-drinking can make us feel sluggish, and drinking a lot leads to nasty hangovers. I get it — it can be hard to stick to a workout when you’re feeling this way!

Even if you’re not able to do intense workouts, gentle exercises and walking can help you feel much more awake and more motivated to continue working out later on.

As always, make sure to follow what your body needs. If you are dehydrated or you feel sick to your stomach, use your best judgment for exercising.how to detox after christmas new year's eve


When you wake up after a late night filled with booze, it can be so tempting to just call for delivery instead of eating something healthy. Having fresh vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats at your house can help you make better choices the next day. Plus, you won’t even have to leave your home!


Parties, time with friends and family, and even a glass of wine (or more..) can affect your sleep schedule! Try to get back on track as soon as you can, and make sure you’re giving yourself enough time to rest.

Sleep is important for keeping your body and mind healthy. Too little sleep:

  • Makes you more likely to snack throughout the day.
  • Impacts your hormone levels, which can lead to weight gain over time and difficulty losing weight.
  • Slows your metabolism.

how to detox after christmas new year's eve


The end of the year is the perfect time to remember your accomplishments and favorite memories from the past year, and it can be a great time to get excited about the upcoming season.

Try not to let the time of reflection stress you out. Instead, I love to think of things that I am thankful for, of ways that I’m proud of myself, and of the next steps I can take in the new year. This is a stress-free way to detox my mind after a busy season!


After a few unhealthy meals, holiday baked goods, and more alcohol than normal, a lot of girls feel guilty about their bodies. Different people react to their food guilt differently. Some women give up their healthy lifestyle, but others go on super restrictive diets instead. Neither option is the best for you!

The problem with both of these approaches is that they don’t do much good. Giving up and eating whatever you want clearly won’t help you be healthier, and extreme diets can be harmful long term.

That’s why I suggest getting back to your normal healthy eating habits, rather than doing anything extreme. Learn from your past, and keep your healthy lifestyle going. Soon enough, it will become a habit that you won’t ever want to give up!how to detox after christmas new year's eve

I hope all of you wonderful ladies have a fun and meaningful holiday season with your loved ones! Enjoy this season of love and peace as you prepare for a healthy New Year.

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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