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Ashton Wood’s Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jun 15, 2021
Ashton Wood diet and workout routine

Influencer and YouTuber Ashton Wood is full of beauty tips and travel inspiration. I love checking out her videos for makeup and fashion ideas, and I love seeing all the beautiful places she travels to around Australia. :)

Ashton has more than 360,000 followers on Instagram, where she shares all about her life and routines. Luckily for us, she’s transparent about what she eats and how she stays in such good shape.

In fact, Ashton has also written several ebooks that explain her health journey. Like many women, Ashton started noticing changes to her body when she hit her mid-20s. She struggled to lose weight (even though she had never had that issue before), and she noticed skin changes. She also lacked energy and felt sluggish.

To fix these problems, Ashton worked with Will Schmarr, a personal trainer (and her boyfriend!), to develop a workout and diet plan that worked well for her. Here’s what Ashton’s routine looks like:

Asthon Wood’s Diet

Ashton eats a lot of varied meals, and, based on her Instagram stories, she loves cooking for herself and experimenting with new dishes.

In general, Ashton isn’t too restrictive with her diet. However, she does limit a few different types of food to help manage inflammation.

She tries to limit dairy, which she believes gave her a lot of acne. Instead, a lot of her meals include oat milk. She will enjoy cheese occasionally, but she is trying to phase that out.

Ashton also doesn’t eat much meat. When she does eat meat, she goes for fish, and she is a pescatarian. Sticking to fish can be challenging, especially at restaurants but she makes it work.

Finally, Ashton doesn’t eat much sugar. Most of the sugar she gets in her diet comes from natural sources, like fruit. Sometimes, she’ll enjoy vegan chocolate (it would be hard to give that up completely!), and she’ll also top some of her meals with honey.

RELATED POST: How Much Sugar Should You Have In a Day?

What Ashton Wood Eats for Breakfast

On her Instagram, Ashton shares her breakfasts with us pretty often. During the work week, she typically eats two breakfasts in the morning. Ashton eats the first after doing a morning run or walk, and she eats the second at work.

Breakfast is her favourite meal of the day but she doesn’t have a favourite breakfast because she loves to change things up.

Breakfast 1

One of her go-to breakfasts is a protein smoothie, which is great after a workout. She likes trying new recipes for smoothies, but one of her standards is a banana-based one. Here’s how she makes it:

  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup oat milk
  • cinnamon
  • chia seeds
  • hemp seeds
  • honey
  • 1 scoop protein powder

RELATED POST: Smoothie Mistakes You Might Be Making

Breakfast 2

After arriving at work, Ashton eats her second breakfast. She typically eats her meal with a soy latte, and she tends to eat one of the following:

  • Oats with granola and cinnamon
  • Gluten-free toast with avocado
  • A bagel with chili salt and pepper

Other Foods She Likes to Eat for Breakfast

When she is having a slower morning over the weekend, Ashton will make pancakes with fruit. She uses buckwheat flour as a base, and she incorporates healthy fat through chia and hemp seeds. Here’s her recipe:

  • 1/2 cup of buckwheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons of Chia seeds and hemp seeds
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup of oat milk
  • 1 teaspoon of flax-seed oil
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Ashton serves her pancakes with berries, and she likes to top them with honey.

She likes drinking orange juice in the morning, and chocolate oat milk is one of her favourite treats. :)

What Ashton Wood Eats for Lunch

For lunch, it depends how she’s feeling. She’ll go for a salad or sandwich and she likes eating a lot of fish (tuna is her favourite) in the afternoon too.

Here are some of the meals she likes to make for lunch:

Tuna Salad

To make this salad, she adds tuna to the following:

  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Kimchi
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Cucumber
  • Sriracha

Pineapple Salad

On her Instagram stories, Ashton shared this delicious salad:

  • Cucumber
  • Apple
  • Celery
  • Pineappple
  • Spinach
  • Kale

She likes to eat her summer salads with coconut water.

Swiss Cheese Sandwich

Ashton likes to melt the following onto two slices of bread:

  • Swiss cheese
  • Tomato
  • Baked beans
  • Avocado

Sometimes, she’ll put similar ingredients (except for the beans) on rice cakes too.

RELATED POST: Step by Step Meal Prepping Guide

What Ashton Wood Eats for Dinner

Ashton likes to switch up her dinner meals too, and we really see her creativity shine with some of the dishes she prepares.

Some of the meals that she makes include:

  • Salmon with sweet potato and steamed greens
  • Zucchini noodles with garlic & chili prawns
  • Roasted veggies with cauliflower rice, kale chips, and a chickpea pattie
  • Zuchhini and corn fritters with avocado and pico de gallo salsa
  • Tuna and vegetable pasta bake

When she’s eating out, one of her favourite dishes to get is vegan ramen. Yum!

Ashton Wood’s Workout Routine

Ashton loves to exercise. She says it helps her feel better emotionally as well as look her best. She likes working out with her boyfriend and personal trainer, but she also goes to the gym to work out with her friends too.


Ashton goes power walking every morning. She and her roommate like to walk in a park nearby her house, or sometimes she’ll walk around her neighborhood. She likes to walk for about 30 minutes first thing in the day.

Like Ashton, I love walking, and I’m so happy she makes it a part of her routine. Walking is an awesome way to get slim and lean legs. :)

RELATED POST: Why You Need Cardio for Lean Legs

Yoga and Pilates

Once a week, Ashton does yoga and Pilates classes.

She has scoliosis, and these workouts can help strengthen the core. Some people find that yoga and Pilates help with postural issues. Of course, always talk to your doctor if you have concerns. :)

Yoga can also help lean and tone your muscles as well as greatly increase flexibility. But keep in mind, depending on your body type, it could also bulk you up too much, if that’s not what you want.

Take it slow and watch out for any unwanted changes.

Resistance Training

Ashton typically does resistance training every afternoon.

At times, she does resistance workouts at home. She uses a resistance band, and she does glute and ab workouts for about 30 minutes. She also likes to go to the gym to do resistance training. Here, she does a variety of different types of exercises.

For upper body training, Ashton likes to do boxing. Boxing can be a cardio workout, but it is also a good way to tone the arms and core. She will also do upper body strength training exercises with weights, including arm presses.

To train her lower body, Ashton does lunges, squats with kettle balls, sumo squats, goblet squats, and banded abductors.

One of her lower body circuit routines consists of:

  • 6-8 jump squats
  • 6-8 jump lunges
  • 6-8 Russian swings
  • 20 meter prisoner walk

She repeats this 3-4 times. This routine works for Ashton, but be careful if you’re an Endomorph or a Mesomorph body type who wants to be more lean. Some of these exercises like squats and lunges can bulk your muscles, especially if you overdo them.

RELATED POST: Which Is better for Weight Loss – Cardio or Strength Training?

Final Thoughts About Ashton’s Routine

Ashton has a great routine to keep her in shape. I appreciate that she focuses on eating well. She knows which foods will irritate her (like sugar and milk), and she chooses to eat meals that make her look and feel her best. I love how many veggies she eats, and I think it is awesome that she likes to switch up her meals frequently. She never seems to get bored with her diet!

I also like Ashton’s approach to fitness. I love that she walks frequently and she has workouts she can do both at home and in the gym. :)

Let me know your thoughts about Ashton’s routine!

Love Rachael xx

Featured Image Credit: Ashton Wood’s Instagram Page

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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6 comments on “Ashton Wood’s Diet and Workout Routine”

    JY says:

    Hi Rachael and team, would be great if you can cover more of these articles for Asian female figures, since Asian genetics and build may differ form Caucasian females. Thank you and team so much for all your shadings so far!

      Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Thank you for this great suggestion! We’ll make sure to forward this to Rachael for her future reviews. :)


    shikha sharma says:

    Please do it for south korean actress Ji Jun Hyun. She looks amazing even at the age of 39.

      Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Thanks for this great suggestion! We will forward it to Rachael for a possible review in the future. :)

    Sophia says:

    Oh, I forgot to mention Emily Didonato! Please do a blog post on her as well, she’s my all time favorite model!

    Sophia says:

    Hey Rachael, could you pleassse do Jessica Alba, sanne vloet, Cara delevigne, Cindy Crawford, …..and Matilda djerf (she’s one of my absolute fav people to follow on Instagram, don‘t know if you‘ve ever heard of her? I love her aesthetics and she looks so healthy, curvy and fit, I‘d really appreciate if you made a blog post of her and the others i mentioned :))

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