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Gwyneth Paltrow’s Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Apr 2, 2021
Gwyneth Paltrow diet and workout routine

Besides her career as an actress over the decades, Gwyneth Paltrow is known for her health-oriented career as an author and the founder of Goop, a wellness and lifestyle brand.

Gwyneth is incredibly fit and she also advocates for all sorts of healthy lifestyle choices. She’s in her late 40s, and she is a mom of two. She’s an amazing woman!

Some of you have asked me about her routine, including what her fasting looks like and what dietary restrictions she follows. In the post, I’ll answer your questions and give details about her fitness lifestyle. :)

Here’s what she does:

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Diet

Gwyneth follows the macrobiotic diet. In the 1920s, a Japanese philosopher named George Obsawa created this diet. It is all about eating simply. Food should be nourishing and free from toxins.

This means that Gwyneth eats a lot of organic grains, fresh vegetables, and the occasional serving of organic fish or poultry. She avoids overly sugary or processed foods. If she eats dairy products, she typically sticks to goat milk.

Gwyneth also tries to avoid baked bread, even though she said she sometimes does indulge in a baguette with cheese.

Gwyneth also schedules detox cleanses once a year. Sometimes she will do them more frequently if she is testing them for Goop.

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What Gwyneth Eats for Breakfast

Gwyneth is not a big morning eater. Instead of having a large meal for breakfast, she likes to mix GoopGlow into a glass of water. GoopGlow is a powder from Goop that contains Vitamin C and other antioxidants. She’ll drink this while she’s working out at the gym.

After working out, Gwyneth makes sure she has some protein. She likes to have a peanut butter protein bar or a protein-packed smoothie.

On an episode of the Goop Podcast, Gwyneth shared that she likes to make her smoothies with “almond milk, coconut oil, vanilla mushroom protein powder, and Moon Juice dust.”

What Gwyneth Eats for Lunch

Gwyneth typically follows Goop-approved meals for lunch. She likes to follow the recipes that are on the Goop website. Her go-to meals tend to be a salad with protein, lean turkey tacos, and similar meals. She likes to go light on the carbs for lunch.

One Goop recipe that Gwyneth might enjoy is the Sardine, Avocado, and Crunchy Veggie Millet Bowl. This meal includes sardines, millet, bok Choy, one radish, scallions, avocado, lemon juice, tamari, ponzu, furikake, and cilantro. Sounds tasty and healthy!

What Gwyneth Eats for Dinner

Gwyneth’s dinner meals are similar to her lunch recipes, just more relaxed. She likes to make sure she’s eating locally-sourced vegetables with protein. Some of her dinner meals from her cookbook It’s All Good include:

  • Healthy risotto with peas
  • Healthy fried rice with kale
  • Tuna ginger burgers

Gwyneth also likes to keep things simple for herself and her two kids. She tries to have chicken, pasta, and rice in the fridge so that she can quickly whip up meals for her family.

She likes to chop up vegetables, make a quick sauce, and add her pre-made rice for stir-fry meals.

Gwyneth’s Detox Cleanses

Goop is known in part for the detox cleanses it promotes. But Gwyneth doesn’t like to do them too often. She typically does a cleanse once a year, although sometimes she will do them more often if she’s trying something for her company.

Gwyneth has tried all sorts of different cleanses, ranging from simple one-day fasts to seven-week elimination diets. The detox cleanse that she follows now is more straightforward. Once a year, she eliminates the following from her diet for six days:

  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Dairy
  • Gluten
  • Corn
  • Nightshades (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, potatoes)
  • Soy
  • Refined Sugar
  • Shellfish
  • White Rice
  • Eggs

She says that the cleanse helps her feel her best, firm up her skin, and feel less bloated.

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Does She Ever Indulge?

Gwyneth does her best to eat clean, healthy meals, and she can be restrictive in her diet at times. She typically tries to avoid:

  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Caffeine
  • Processed foods

But Gwyneth also knows that being too restrictive can lead to binge eating. When she is on vacation or during certain weekends, she will drink wine, eat bread with cheese, and even have some fries.

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Gwyneth Paltrow’s Fitness Routine

Gwyneth works out frequently. She does 45 minutes of cardio 5 times a week (her cardio often includes dance routines from trainer Tracy Anderson) and 45 minutes of strengthening exercises through yoga-inspired routines 5 times a week. No wonder she manages to stay so lean and toned!

When she has an event coming up, Gwyneth increases her workouts to two hours, six times a week.

Before she started working out regularly, Gwyneth felt like she had a long, square butt and a bony upper body. She is amazed that people now think she has a good body. Gwyneth believes that, if she can transform her body, anybody can!

Gwyneth’s Cardio Workouts

Gwyneth is a huge fan of The Tracy Anderson Method. She is good friends with Tracy Anderson, and she credits Tracy for helping her develop such an amazing body.

I’ve written about Tracy Anderson’s TA Online Studio program before, and her in-person training follows similar techniques as her online program.

Tracy Anderson is all about mixing cardio dance routines with small, controlled movements. She makes small, accessory muscles work non-stop. This can help support larger muscles, and it can contribute to a toned look.

A typical Tracy Anderson class will include a dance warm-up, followed by floor work. The floor work typically involves leg movements like leg lifts. The workout ends with stretching.

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Gwyneth’s Butt and Legs Workout

Tracy created a butt and leg routine for Gwyneth specifically. This routine helps lift and round her backside. Here are some of the moves Tracy has Gwyneth do.

Holding a broomstick, Gwyneth does the following exercises:

  • Kick and Reach
  • Plié Sweep
  • T-Pole Holds
  • Butt Busters
  • Behind-the-Back Honer
  • The “S” Sit

She typically does 20-30 repetitions of each of these.

Gwyneth’s Ab Workout

Gwyneth does 30 repetitions per side of the following exercises:

  • Sit-Up And Split
  • Knee-Pull Crunch
  • Cross And Kick
  • Cross-Leg Crunch
  • Cross-Leg Reach
  • Wisting Kick
  • Running-Split Crunch

She wears ankle weights while doing these to increase the challenge, and she typically does these several times per week.

Three times a week, Gwyneth also completes three sets of the following:

  • Side Lift to Rolling Plank, 30 repetitions on each side
  • Plank Up-Down, 30 repetitions, switch arms as you go
  • Wide-Splint Crunch, 30 repetitions

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Gwyneth is known for experimenting with creative, and at times controversial, approaches to wellness.

At the end of the day though, she still focuses on habits that we can all get behind. She eats wholesome food (especially vegetables and lean protein), moderates how much sugar and junk food she eats, and exercises regularly.

Outside of the kitchen and gym, she makes sure that she gets plenty of sleep and prioritizes self-care. Good for her!

Gwyneth is a beautiful, strong, and determined woman. Let me know in the comments what you thought about her routine. :)

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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2 comments on “Gwyneth Paltrow’s Diet and Workout Routine”

    Gina says:

    LOVE all of this! Gwyneth is the coolest – and of course, her fitness and wellness routine would be aspirational but manageable! Thanks so much for sharing. :) xoxo

      Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      I’m so glad that you enjoyed reading this blog post. :)

      If you need help or tips, feel free to reach out to us at info@rachaelattard.com


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