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Monika Clarke – Model Workout And Diet Tips

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jul 15, 2019

You guys know how much I admire all young women who always try to take good care of themselves! So, in this blog post, I wanted to share with you some of the workout and diet tips by the gorgeous Monika Clarke.

She’s a fellow Aussie currently living in New York. She is a very successful model and she has some great advice for all of us.

I hope you enjoy this interview! :)


Name: Monika Clarke

Instagram profile: @monika.clarke

Age: 27

monika clarke diet and workout routine

Location: New York City 

What type of exercise do you do? Do you have any favourite workouts or gyms? How many times per week do you workout?

I get bored of the same routine quite quickly so I love to mix it up. I find I get the best workouts done when I am training with someone or in a group fitness class.

Boxing and reformer pilates are my favourite. I also love my weekly fix of Switch Playground. It’s a great light weight, cardio class. I try to work out between 3-5 times a week. But some weeks I take it easier if I’ve been run down.

Being a model, I’m sure you need to be in shape all year round. But if you ever have to be in a bikini or lingerie for a shoot, do you do anything special before to look your best?

I never really know about the jobs I’ve booked until the day before we shoot. I know that most models have their own little tips and tricks that they do, but in all honesty I don’t.

It doesn’t mean I stress about it any less. But I guess I have the attitude of, well this is how I look, I can’t change much over night.

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What does your average day on a plate look like? Do you stick to any particular diet?

I usually fast most mornings and have my first meal around midday. I find I have more energy this way and I feel a lot lighter, and it helps me control cravings for the rest of the day.

Other than that I don’t really follow a specific diet. I’ve tried various diets in the past but over time I noticed that a normal, balanced diet is what works best for me and my health.

Do you ever have cheat meals? If so, what’s your favourite food to indulge in?

According to most peoples definition of “cheat meals” I probably end up having some sort of cheat meal every day. But I don’t consider them cheat meals.

My absolute favourite food to indulge in is chocolate chip cookies. I also love bread and potatoes. I’m a simple girl.

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How do you stay motivated to workout and eat healthy?

Motivation doesn’t come easy for me when it comes to working out. That’s why I prefer booking in a fitness class, or organizing to workout with a friend or trainer.

It forces me to show up and work out. I never get great workouts done when I workout by myself. I distract myself way too much and I never push myself hard enough.

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Decked out in @alala

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What’s your number 1 fitness tip for other young women out there?

My number one fitness tip for young women would be, relax. Be kinder to yourself. Stress doesn’t help anyone when it comes to your health and your body.

I know it is easier said than done. But loving yourself is the best recipe to seeing results.

I notice how stubborn my body is when I stress about my weight and when I start comparing myself to other girls. But when I accept myself, I find myself getting into better shape with less exercise, and I more relaxed diet.

If you want to find out more about Monika and her fitness routine, follow her on Instagram. Her pics are truly gorgeous and she posts some of her fitness routines there so be sure to check her out :)

If you want to learn more about what models do to stay fit and healthy, you can find more blog post here.

And if you want to train like Monika and get that model like body, I have something special for you! I’ve created a 5-day full-length video course that includes my combined knowledge on how the most gorgeous woman in the world train their body to get lean and toned!

I decided to put together this free program to help you get started on the right track. You can download it below :)

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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