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Leslie Sansone’s Walk at Home Program Review

By Rachael Attard, Updated Aug 19, 2020
walk at homew leslie sansone review

I always get a lot of questions about cardio, more specifically about cardio that can be done at home.

Now with most of the world being in quarantine, I get those questions even more. When you’re told you’re not allowed to walk outside, getting those regular power walk sessions in gets really tough. 

So lately, a lot of you have been asking about the Leslie Sansone’s Walk at Home Program. And since many of you want to combine Leslie’s program with my Lean Legs Program, I wanted to do a quick review of the Walk at Home Program so I can answer all of your questions properly :)


The Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Program is exactly what it sounds like. It consists of mainly cardio exercises that you’re able to do in your home.

The program itself is hosted through a paid app, but Leslie also has a few free videos posted on YouTube. The gist of each workout is to give you a whole-body workout that lets you get your sweat on without having to walk around the park.

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Good Morning Walkers! We continue to pray for your healthy home during this time. One of our favorite quotes by Hippocrates reminds us that, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” We thank you so much for continuing to invite us into your most precious space…your home. Walking at home helps to CLEAR our mind, CALM our thoughts, BOOST our mood, RELIEVE tension, IMPROVE our immune system, the list goes on and on. We are so happy to be walking with you. Playing today on the Walk at Home App is Burn to the Beat! Subscribe to our app on WalkAtHome.com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our newsletters to receive the weekly schedule sent straight your inbox. Subscribe on WalkAtHome.com.

A post shared by Walk At Home by Leslie Sansone (@walkathome) on


Almost every routine is a whole-body workout that helps you get tons of cardio work in (hence, the “walking”).

For example, during one month, you get around 25 workouts – usually one workout per day + rest days.

Rest days are very important since they give your body time to recover so it’s good to have at least one rest day per week.

Most of the Leslies’ workouts are full body cardio sessions but her program also includes a bit of HIIT and some resistance training.

For example, workouts for July 2020 include:

  • 11 strictly cardio workouts,
  • 9 workouts that combine cardio with a bit of strength training,
  • 3 HIIT workouts
  • and 4 solely resistance training sessions.


If you read my blog regularly, you probably know that I’m the biggest advocate for cardio. I always emphasise the importance of low to moderate intensity cardio which is something Leslie’s program also focuses a lot on.

Low to moderate intensity cardio is great for losing fat because it puts your body in the so-called fat burning zone. And if you do Leslie’s Walk at home program, during one month, you’ll get around 10 low to moderate intensity cardio sessions.

Most of Leslie’s strictly cardio workouts are similar to this one here and they are actually a lot of fun!

These should help you burn more fat but when it comes to slimming down your legs and losing inner thigh fat, I’m not sure if they are going to have the same effect as power walking outside or on a treadmill.

I personally find that nothing slims down my legs like walking does. So even though I also have some at home cardio alternatives, I prefer power walking outside or on a treadmill.



I believe that a well balanced workout program should include both cardio and resistance (weight) training.

Low to moderate intensity cardio helps you burn fat and resistance training and HIIT (which is a mix between cardio and resistance training) speed up your metabolism and help with muscle toning.

Leslies’s cardio workouts sometimes include a bit of resistance training. During these sessions, she mostly uses resistance bands and targets your upper body, like in this workout below:

But she also has some full-body workouts in her app.

Some of those include squats and lunges so I wouldn’t recommend them to Endomorph and Mesomorph girls who want to slim down their legs.

Both squats and lunges target your quads (muscle at the front of your thighs) and make them bigger. So if you don’t want to grow your thigh muscles, I would advise you to skip squats and lunges.

And when it comes to Leslie’s HIIT sessions, they are also very leg focused so Endomorph and Mesomorph girls may notice their legs getting bigger if they do these workouts often.

This is not a bad thing, don’t get me wrong, but I know that some women prefer workouts that won’t increase the size of their legs.

However, as I already said, including HIIT and resistance training in your routine is a great idea because it raises your metabolism (the higher your metabolism is, the more calories you’ll burn) and helps you get toned.

If you skip resistance training completely because you’re afraid that you’ll get bulky and you stick only to cardio, you may develop the so called skinny fat look.

But the good news is that you can definitely do resistance training and HIIT without getting bulky.

I have a very detailed blog post on how to lift weights without getting bulky so feel free to check it out :)



I think you can definitely lose weight with Leslie’s workouts as long as you’re eating a clean diet rich in nutrients and stay at a slight calorie deficit.

If you’re not sure how to calculate your ideal calorie intake, you can find out how to do it here.


The Leslie Sansone Walk at Home program is a TON of fun. Her workouts are dynamic and interesting and her personality makes her a fantastic fitness instructor. But that doesn’t mean you should combine her workouts with the Lean Legs Program.

The Lean Legs Program is designed to help you slim down and tone your body without adding any unwanted bulkiness.

My program includes the right type of cardio for your specific body type and a perfect amount of resistance training. And since most of my workouts are already full body, you really don’t need to add any additional workouts.

In fact, adding more workouts can cause you to overtrain and it can, unfortunately, affect your results in a negative way.


I know that getting outside isn’t always easy, but walking outside (or on a treadmill) is one of the best and most effective ways to slim down your whole body and especially legs.

I don’t think that walking/marching in place is going to give you the same results.

So if your goal is to get lean legs, power walking outside or on a treadmill is 100% the most effective workout you can do.

If you’re worried about exercising in a mask or having to stay indoors, see if you can create space in your home for your power walking routine.

Clear the furniture and walk laps in your living room, changing direction every once in a while to keep you from getting dizzy. Walk in your backyard if you don’t want to go out in public. With a little creativity and ingenuity, you’ll be able to get your workout in easily.


Leslie Sansone’s Walk at Home routine is a great way to exercise indoors, but it’s not an ideal replacement for the Lean Legs Program and our power walking sessions. If you decide to combine both routines, I CANNOT guarantee that you’ll see the types of results you want. :/

Of course, if you want to do Leslie’s program because you enjoy it that’s totally fine! But I just wouldn’t recommend combining it with my program if you want to make sure you’ll get maximum results.

Hope you find this review helpful and if you have any blog post request, let me know in the comments! xx

Love Rachael

Featured image : Leslie Sansone’s Instagram profile

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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12 comments on “Leslie Sansone’s Walk at Home Program Review”

    Melissa says:

    I love Leslie’s walk and they were especially helpful during the pandemic when we were on lockdown for 5 months. Great review!

      Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      We’re glad to know that you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you need any help or tips, feel free to reach out to us at info@rachaelattard.com :)

    RIZWANA says:

    Wana lose weight with Leslie walk ??is this free app???which wil more effective ..m

      Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Her program is hosted through a paid app but she has a few free workout videos on youtube so feel free to check them out. :) Her workouts are great if you want to exercise at home but some of them include HIIT and other types of exercises like squats, lunges, etc. If you want a program that is tailored for your body type, feel free to check our Rachael’s 3 Steps To Lean Legs Program. :)

      If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to us at info@rachaelattard.com


    Chelsea says:

    What are your thoughts on vibration plates? Do you think they’re a good alternative to walking on a treadmill? Thank you for this blog post!

      Ana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hey lovely,

      The vibration plates engage your muscles highly and is mostly used for squatting, which is not the exercise that Rachael recommends for learning out and toning your legs.
      The effect wouldn’t be the same as walking on a treadmill, so don’t swap it. :)

      Walking is the best cardio method for slimming down, so make sure that you practice it as much as possible in order to achieve great results! :)


    Lily says:

    Could Rachael maybe review Tracy Anderson’s ATTAIN master class? Tracy used to get amazing results for people and so many of us are still addicted to it, yet that master class seems to cause people to gain weight. Why would a class–that is so hard that you’re drenched in sweat–actually cause weight gain? And is there a way to use it to avoid this outcome? Thanks!

      Sara - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely <3,

      Thanks for reaching out!:)

      I would absolutely suggest that and I am sure she will consider a review. <3

      There are many reasons why a certain program can bulk you up and make you gain weight one of which is definitely your body type. <3

      Ectomorphs get away with lifting heavy when it comes to bulking up but mesomorphs and endomorphs can easily gain muscle mass, for example. :)

      Hope this helps and please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with. <3


    Shikha Sharma says:

    Heyy Rachel, Thank you so much for reviewing this one,
    I love your blogs, they are so much fun to read and full of information.
    Could you please review Lilly Sabri’s leg workout and HIIT/fat burn workouts (youtube)?
    Thank you so much in advance
    and keep up the amazing work :*

      Sanja - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Thanks for reaching out! <3

      So glad that you're enjoying Rachael's blog! Thank you so much for the suggestion, I'll make sure to let Rachael know :)

      Please let me know if you have any questions! xx


    Kat says:

    What about jumping on a rebounder for cardio?

      Sanja - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Thanks for reaching out! <3

      Rebounding is kind of like skipping – it's a great cardio exercise but it won’t slim down your legs and the bouncing motion can actually make your calves and thighs bigger. Every once in awhile is probably OK. But it is the most effective exercise – power walking and running are more effective in terms of cardio :)

      I hope this helps! xx


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