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How To Stop Cravings

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jun 11, 2021
how to stop cravings

Food cravings can derail the healthiest of diets. Whether you go for sugary treats or salty eats, we all know too many of them will lead to a wellness setback that can be hard to return from. The easiest way to combat your cravings is to learn how to stop them in their tracks.

Drink Water

how to stop cravings

What most people don’t realize is that hunger is really thirst in disguise! Hydrating is super important for your overall health.

Drinking a full glass of water when a sudden food craving comes on and then waiting a few minutes will help you to assess whether your need for food is real or simply thirst.

Figure Out What Your Cravings Mean

Often when we crave specific things it is because our bodies are lacking certain essential nutrients. When you are craving a specific type of food, see if you can recognize an essential nutrient you might be lacking.

If you are constantly craving salty foods, you may be missing enough sodium in your diet.

If you find you are always reaching for chocolate you may need to add more magnesium-rich foods to your diet.

For the best insight into the nutrients you need, check in with a registered dietician.

Eat Balanced Meals

how to stop cravings

Balanced meals will help your body meet the nutrient requirements that it needs to stay feeling full and nourished.

Finding the proper nutrient balance may be hard at first but it is best to remember that every individual body has individual nutrient needs so your diet will be entirely unique to you.

Get A Hormone Check

Having a hormone imbalance can cause serious cravings (I know it did for me!).

Also, I found that when I was on the contraceptive pill, my cravings (around that time of month) were sooo bad. I don’t really get cravings around that time of month anymore :)


It would definitely be worth seeing a doctor or naturopath to have a quick hormone check. It could help stop those annoying cravings!

Brush Your Teeth

If you have trouble snacking on things after meals the best way to stop that is to brush your teeth.

The mint flavor of most toothpaste will make foods unappetizing. Brushing teeth will also help signal your brain that the time to eat is over.

Find Healthy Alternatives

how to stop cravings

Sometimes a craving is inevitable, however, if you have simply have to snack your best bet is to stock healthy alternatives to your common cravings.

If you find yourself reaching for sweets, try to keep fruit on hand. Similarly, if you are always grabbing a salty snack, keep a nut mix or two around.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the meal that helps set the tone for your whole day. If you reach for a balanced breakfast in the morning you will help your digestive process to work better.

A full breakfast will help you stay full until your next meal and will hopefully help you to control those random cravings that arise when you are hungry.

Keep in mind that your cravings are trying to tell you something. If you find the same cravings popping up around the same time every day it may be a bigger indicator of something that you need to add to your diet.

You know your body best and you should always be mindful when making any changes to your diet.

So the next time a craving comes your way, tune in to your body, figure out what’s going on and make healthy choices when you can.

Hope you find these tips helpful!

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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13 comments on “How To Stop Cravings”

    Lex says:

    Love the post it really helps:)

      Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      I’m so glad that you enjoyed reading this blog post. :)

      If you need help or tips, feel free to reach out to us at info@rachaelattard.com


    Teodora says:

    Moja malenkost ima 51 godinu i zbog anksiozno-depresiv.poremećaja pijem anksiolitik i antidepresiv.
    Upravo taj antidepresiv STVARA osjećaj gladi i UZ GODINE (51) to je PROBLEM

      Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      We recommend that you consult with a nutritionist so he/she can customize a meal plan that suits you best and can help with your concern or you could also ask your doctor if it’s possible to change your prescription to avoid the side effects from your current medication. :)


    Lani says:

    I eat very healthy but I really struggle with overeating, for example, I will finish a delicious healthy meal and because I know I have lots of yummy treats in the fridge (all healthy though), I want to eat more even though I’m full! So I end up snacking allll the time and over eating and I can’t stop ? Will this be impacting my results? I always feel bad afterwards too. Any tips would be appreciated for this. Thank you! Xx

      Tijana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely!
      Rachael sticks to 80-20 rule, which basically means she eats healthy 80% of the time and the rest she indulges a bit but she doesn’t overeat because that can affect your progress hun – nutrition is a great part of your journey. Here’s another blog post that can be useful for you.
      Good luck, hun!

    bree says:

    Hey rachel:)
    ive tried dieting heaps and exercise etc, becuase personally i luv exercising. but eveyrtime i go on a diet, after about a week, i start having cravings for food, and i lidget cant help but to just eat and eat and eat, and then its hard to get back into the diet:(
    so do you rekcon you would be able to maybe give me some othr tips on how to not have these cravings?
    oh and one more thing, im trying to loose as much body fat in two weeks as i can, and ill do what ever you say, i would just like you to give me the main tips on how to do this fast.
    thanks heaps, really appreciate what you do aye, your a gun!

      Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Cravings mostly happen because of nutritional deficiencies. Rachael has created a complete meal plan with all the macros you need to stay fit and healthy.
      Rachael would love to help you as much as she can :) That’s why she’s created her Lean Legs program and Lean Legs Training Club.
      The program in the eBook is an 8 week workout and nutrition plan designed to help you get lean and toned without bulking. It will help you slim down your legs, but will also help you slim and tone your upper body and core too (the workouts are full body). It also includes a full meal plan, a separate recipe eBook and demonstration videos.

      You can check out the Lean Legs program here

      For more helpful tips please have a read of these blog posts:




      Love, Lean Legs Club support

      Ali says:

      Yeah I have similar problem. I even purchased Lean Legs program and failed after 1 week thrice. Because I mess up my diet on weekend and then end up dropping the entire thing. But I know this is something only I can fix. So I will try again, this time with more commitment. This program definiteltworks if you do it properly. So just get through the first week then it’ll get better. And I would recommend getting the 8 weeks program.
      Good luck!

        Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

        Hi lovely,
        Your diet doesn’t have to be 100% perfect. As long as you’re avoiding processed food and not over eating you should be fine!
        Also, you can definitely just continue where you left off without having to start the program all over again. I would only recommend starting over if you feel a lot less fit or strong! Good luck!! :) xx


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