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7 Gluten Free Food Swaps 

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jun 18, 2021
gluten-free food swaps 

Gluten free seems to be very trendy right now. Why is it better to eat gluten free food swaps? Well, I guess the main reason people give it up is because gluten can irritate your gut and cause issues with inflammation, digestion and bloating 

But you don’t HAVE to eat gluten free. I would only avoid gluten 100% if you have issues with your gut or thyroid.  

Giving up gluten can be tough because it’s in so many things! But don’t despair; once you know how to swap out your gluten products, you won’t miss the original versions.  


You can buy gluten-free bread, but watch out for extra fillers and preservatives.  

If you have some time to invest in the process, try making your own delicious homemade bread using gluten-free multipurpose flour.  

Better yet, swap the bread for lettuce leaves or a low-carb, gluten-free wrap! 

gluten-free food swaps 


Too much sugar isn’t good for your body, but now and then we all have a craving for something sweet. If you want to indulge, try a homemade muesli bar made with dates, oats and nuts. Or you could make your own chocolate avocado mousse! Here you can find my delicious muesli slice recipe and vegan chocolate mousse recipe!gluten-free food swaps 


There are plenty of gluten-free pastas available at grocery stores across the country; but you can also trick your taste buds by creating “pasta” dishes with vegetables instead of the noodles.  

Make a cold pasta salad for summertime using cucumber and carrot “noodles,” or create delicious zucchini noodles that pair well with your favorite gluten-free sauces.  

Sweet potato noodles and quinoa spaghetti are also incredibly tasty. gluten-free food swaps 


Why not try making your own pancakes? Try my chocolate pancake recipe!

Otherwise you can try making pancakes with just banana and egg. It works! I’ve tried it before :)

There are also lots of grocery stores that sell gluten-free pancake mix now! Or you can have a look for some gluten free pancake mixes online.  gluten-free food swaps 


Crackers are a tasty way to enjoy a variety of spreads or cheeses. Instead of buying crackers in a box at the store, you can make your own gluten-free cheese crackers to enjoy.  

Or, if you prefer a more effortless solution, substitute fresh lettuce or raw veggie slices as the foundation for your favorite dips and spreads.gluten-free food swaps 


Are you suffering from cereal withdrawal now that you’re following a gluten-free diet? By skipping the cereal, you’re probably also avoiding a lot of added sugars and preservatives that are not great for your body.  

Find a gluten-free cereal with as few ingredients as possible, or switch to gluten free oatmeal.  

Here are some other gluten free breakfast alternatives 

  • Homemade gluten free muesli with oats, nuts and seeds 
  • Chia pudding 
  • Gluten-free muffins made with bananas and nut butter 
  • Quinoa bowls with egg whites and veggies 
  • Vegetable omelets 
  • Banana buckwheat porridge gluten-free food swaps 


Wraps are amazing, because you can stuff them with so much healthy goodness, like your favorite vegetables and some lean protein! You don’t have to give up your wraps when you go gluten-free.  

My go-to recipe for gluten-free, low-carb tortillas involve just a few healthy ingredients (including coconut flour and almond meal); and the tortillas are not only tasty, but super easy to make.  

If you’re in a hurry, grab a big leaf of fresh lettuce and make a wrap with that instead.  

Thanks to the recent surge in health awareness and gluten-free living, there are plenty of great recipes online. So have a look around.  

Do you have a favorite gluten-free food swaps for bread, dessert, crackers, or other baked goods? Don’t keep it to yourself; share it with your fellow fitness enthusiasts and gluten-free cooks!  

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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