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#168 5 Ways To Make Walking Fun

By Rachael Attard, Updated Mar 1, 2016

I LOVE walking, as I’m sure you all know! It is honestly one of my favourite exercises because it doesn’t feeling like exercise to me, I genuinely enjoy it, and it’s an awesome fat burning activity. It is a great exercise if you’re trying to lean out your legs. But sometimes walking the same route over and over can get a bit boring. So here are some ways that I keep myself entertained during my walks!

  1. Explore New Areas

Instead of walking your usual route, mix it up and drive to another suburb to do your walk. It is so nice to look at the different scenery and observe different types of people.

  1. Do It With A Friend

I could walk for HOURS when I’m walking and chatting with someone else. Next time you’re thinking of something to do with a friend, why not go for a walk? It won’t feel like you’re working out, I promise!


  1. MUSIC

If I’m walking on my own, there is no way I could do it without music. I have a few different playlists so I don’t get sick of listening to the same thing. Turn it up and get walking!

  1. Take A Dog

I personally don’t own a dog (very sad about this), so if you do, don’t take it for granted! Walk that dog every day. Whenever I go walking, I look at all the people walking their dogs and they are so cute and entertaining! I would never be bored if I was walking my dog. If you don’t own a dog, borrow a friend or neighbor’s dog (I’m sure they would love it!). As a last resort, why not try dog walking?


  1. Reward Yourself

Ask a friend / family member to catch up for lunch, a movie, shopping, etc, but whatever you’re doing, you must walk there! Spend 30 minutes walking to your location, and then 30 minutes walking home. You’ll get a little break and reward at half way! If it’s too far, drive a little closer or catch public transport, but then make sure you still do the 30-minute walk each way.

Walking is one of the key exercises in my skinny legs ebooks to help lean out your legs. To find out more about my ebooks, click here.

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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