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Pre-Wedding Diet – Last Week’s Meals

By Rachael Attard, Updated Aug 18, 2020

OK so my eating hasn’t been that extreme or super healthy. I have definitely eaten a lot stricter than this in the past, but I prefer not to be too strict with myself these days!

The main thing I focus on is eating mostly healthy, trying to get in my 2 x fruit and 5 x veg, and not over eating. I had also previously given up sugar in the lead up to the wedding (for about 6 weeks) but I’m eating it again now haha.

So this is everything I ate last week.


Breakfast = smoothie

The smoothie was made from ½ frozen banana, 3/4 cup frozen blueberries, 1 scoop chocolate whey protein, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 tablespoon almonds, 1 tablespoon pepitas/pumpkin seeds and 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk.

Lunch = leftovers

I had ½ piece chicken kiev, potato wedges (cooked in the oven), broccoli, kale and fried egg. I hadn’t done any groceries or meal prepping so I just had leftovers from the night before (love leftovers!). See the pic below.

Dinner = cauliflower crust pizza

I had 2 slices of cauliflower pizza with chicken, ham, spinach, onion, tomato paste, grated cheese and cream cheese.

Check out my cauliflower crust recipe here (it’s the best!).

I also had 1/3 of a spring roll. I don’t particularly like them that much haha but mum made them so I had a taste.


I made this delicious chocolate peanut butter slice that I can’t stop eating. Check out the recipe here. I cut them into about 2 x 2cm squares. I had 2 of these squares (I wanted to eat more though!).

I also had about 10 sakatas rice crackers with capsicum dip (store bought). I love making my own dips but was underprepared.

Leftovers for lunch


Breakfast = smoothie

It was exactly the same as yesterday :)

Lunch = breakfast cook up

OK so I still hadn’t done any groceries or meal prepping and was underprepared again. So I just found all this stuff in the fridge and cooked it up. Although I do love breakfast!

I had one piece of Burgen bread, ¼ avocado, 2 fried eggs, 1 piece of ham and 2 tablespoons of baked beans.

Dinner = paprika chicken and rice

I made a paprika baked chicken and rice dish which was sooo yum. I served it with bok choy. I had a pretty small serve because I was full from my unnecessary snacking in the afternoon (see below).


  • 1 x 2cm small square of the choc peanut butter slice
  • ¼ cup cashews
  • I also had about ¼ cup dark choc chips that I demolished while I was baking :( Actually maybe it was more!

Paprika baked chicken and rice + bok choy


Breakfast = smoothie

It was exactly the same as yesterday. I literally have this every day because I love it!

Lunch = chicken salad

I cooked up some chicken breast with pesto sauce (store bought in a jar). I made a salad with kale coleslaw (pre-made from Coles, and I also used a bit of the dressing). Plus I added extra spinach, pepitas, 1/4 avocado and a fried egg.

Dinner = eggplant lasagne

This lasagne was pretty much the same as normal lasagne, except I replaced pasta sheets with roasted eggplant slices. It was pretty delicious! It was healthier but still not extremely healthy as it still had a fair bit of white sauce and cheese.


I had 1 slice of a homemade choc peanut butter protein bar that I made (yes I am obsessed with that flavour). You can check out the recipe here

healthy protein bar recipe

Homemade protein bars


Breakfast = smoothie

Same as yesterday.

Lunch = chicken salad

I had the same thing as yesterday as I prepared a few of these salads (meal prepping is the best).

Dinner = beef caldereta

This is a Filipino dish (my mum is Filipino), and it’s kinda like a beef stew with carrots, potato and capsicum. I had a medium sized serving with some rice.


I had 1 homemade chocolate peanut butter protein bar I made yesterday.

My beloved breakfast smoothie!


Breakfast = smoothie

Same as yesterday.

Lunch = chicken salad

Same as yesterday, minus the fried egg and avocado.

Dinner = fish and chips

We always get takeaway fish and chips for dinner on Friday nights and I love it! I had 1/2 piece of grilled fish with lemon pepper seasoning and I ate some chips. I usually cook up some steamed broccoli to go with it so I can get in my greens but I was being lazy so I didn’t!


I ate another one of the healthy protein bars I made. And for dessert, I ate a brownie (not the healthy kind!).

Friday night fish and chips


Breakfast = smoothie

Same as yesterday.

Lunch = chicken salad

Same as yesterday.

Dinner = quiche

I had a slice of bacon and vegetable quiche (with no pastry / crust). But I only had a small serving because I was pretty full from my afternoon snacks!


I had an afternoon tea catch up with some girlfriends and there were a LOT of sweets. I pretty much tasted everything haha, except for the brownie as I ate one the night before. Check out our spread.

Afternoon tea


Breakfast = smoothie

Same as yesterday.

Lunch = paprika chicken and rice

I made this dish again because it was seriously so good! I also had it with bok choy again.

Dinner = vegetable lasagne

My fiance’s sister cooked us dinner and made a delicious vegetable lasagne :)


I had afternoon tea at my nana’s house and had a choc chip cookie (it was leftover from yesterday’s afternoon tea).

Truthfully I ate more sugar on the weekend than I had in months! Not appropriate timing with my wedding next week so I’m feeling extra motivated to have a super healthy week in preparation. I also usually eat better snacks than that, but I didn’t have the most prepared week and was very busy with work and wedding stuff, but I wasn’t too worried.

Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Hope you enjoyed this post xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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4 comments on “Pre-Wedding Diet – Last Week’s Meals”

    Deirdre Jordan says:

    Hi Rachel, firstly may I wish you all the best for your upcoming wedding. I was in Italy for 2 weeks(fell in love with the country) and ate so much pizza, pasta, bread and ice cream and drank wine and beer. Did a lot of walking and felt good but since I’ve returned(just over a week now) I have a fully extended stomach and my thighs have also expanded and I’m finding it hard to get back on track. Forgot to mention, I’m urinating so much. Any tips on best way to tackle this. I understand if i dont get a quick response as I have a feeling you may be very busy preparing for your special day!

    Best of luck

      Rachael Attard says:

      Hi Dee! Sorry for my very late reply and thanks for understanding. I hope you have managed to get back on track now. Admittedly I’m feeling the same way as you after lots of eating and drinking the past couple of weeks. I’m getting back into things tomorrow and I have made a workout plan for myself (am doing my eBook so makes it a bit easier), have planned my meals and done some grocery shopping so that I am all organised. I’m also going to take progress photos. All of these things help me start and keep going. I know I’m not going to be perfect though. So don’t let little slip ups get you down. Keep going! I hope you are feeling better now! xxx

    Deanna says:

    I really appreciate how honest you are about eating sugar, not being perfect, and not starving yourself silly for your wedding. So many girls put so much pressure on themselves for perfection, especially with a wedding coming up, that it’s inspirational to see someone be in such great shape, allow themselves some treats, and talk about how and why it can work!

      Rachael Attard says:

      Thanks so much Deanna! Yes I have been in that place before being super strict with what I ate and it just didn’t work for me. Even though I’m not perfect, it seems to work better and I’m much happier. Thanks again for your comment! xx

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