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Pre-Wedding Workouts – Last Week’s Workouts

By Rachael Attard, Updated Aug 18, 2020
pre-wedding workouts

Here you have pre wedding workouts I did exactly a week before my wedding. It’s a combination of cardio, HIIT and resistance training. :)

As some of you may know, I have been experiencing some health issues with hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. I really wanted to just go super hard with all my workouts, but I’m a bit restricted.

Too much exercise actually makes me worse – I get really tired, fatigued and I think I actually gain weight.

So my workouts aren’t as intense as I would like to be, and I do need to rest when I feel fatigued / exhausted. But I am finally starting to recover and am getting better at knowing my limits.

I started running for the first time 1 week ago (after having a break for about 5 months) so my runs aren’t as great as I’m used to. But it’s a start!

Anyway these are the workouts I did last week.



I did a 20 minute run and a 45 minute walk in the morning, fasted.

I prefer to run at night or afternoon but due to health issues, I can’t exercise in afternoon. I think I managed to run about 3.5kms in 20 minutes (according to my iPhone), which I was pretty happy about!pre wedding workouts


I did a 1 hour power walk in the morning, fasted. I always try to start my day with a power walk if I can.

Mid morning I went to the gym with my mum and did a boxing circuit (see below). Afterwards I also walked for another 30 minutes on the treadmill. Ideally I would have liked to box for longer, but I need to be careful not to overdo it and I was starting to feel exhausted.

BOXING CIRCUIT (I did it on the bag as I didn’t have a partner)

1. 10 HARD AND 10 FAST PUNCHES x 6pre wedding workouts

2. SWISS BAL CRUNCHES x 15 pre wedding workouts

3. SNAP JUMPS x 10pre wedding workouts

4. 2 JAB, 1 CROSS, 1 HOOK, 2 BODY RIP COMBO x 10 (starting with left)pre wedding workouts

5. PUSH UPS x 10pre wedding workouts

6. TRX ROWS x 10pre wedding workouts

7. 2 JAB, 1 CROS, 1 HOOK, 2 BODY RIP COMBO x 10 (starting with right) 

8. 30 SECOND PLANK pre wedding workouts

9. 30 SECOND SIDE PLANK ROTATIONS (each side)pre wedding workouts

I did this circuit twice. After 1 round I rested for about 1 minute. But other than that, I didn’t have much rest.


I didn’t do my usual morning walk as I had to go for a fasted blood test. The blood test took about 1.5 hours and they had to try 3 times and with 2 different people!

I didn’t feel like exercising after that and both arms were a bit bruised. Also I was still a bit exhausted and knew my body needed a rest so today was a rest day.


I tried my luck at running again. I did another 20 minute run, plus a 45 minute power walk. I felt pretty good :)


I did a 1 hour power walk in the morning, fasted. And then I did this full body resistance workout (it’s a lighter resistance circuit like in my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program). I only did 2 rounds though instead of 3.full body resistance workout


I did a 45 minute power walk in the morning, fasted. Then I did quick this booty workout.


I did a 45 minute power walk in the morning, fasted. And then I had every intention of coming home and doing this HIIT ab workout.

BUT I was running super late as I had to be somewhere in the morning and then I had to pack and catch a flight and I just had a super busy day so didn’t fit anything else in.

I didn’t workout too hardcore but I was pretty active and happy with my efforts!

It’s Monday here now and I went for a quick 20 minute run this morning. So hoping to stay as active as I can this week leading up to the wedding too!

I will also post all of my meals from last week so keep your eyes out for that.

Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to comment below xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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6 comments on “Pre-Wedding Workouts – Last Week’s Workouts”

    Wendy says:

    When you say you fasted, do you mean just for a period of time in that day? Please clarify.

      Rachael Attard says:

      Yes, I just mean in the morning before food :) xx

    Leanna says:

    This is perfect! I’m a bridesmaid in 8 weeks and in need of looking my best! Using your motivation for my inspiration! Congratulations to you as well! x

      Rachael Attard says:

      Thanks so much Leanna! Good luck to you and your friend for her upcoming wedding :) xx

    Ro says:

    I wish you and your fiancé a Blessed and happy wedding day, and a wonderful loving ,long life together ??????????

      Rachael Attard says:

      Thanks Ro! Your support always means a lot :) xxx

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