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3 Steps to Lean Legs Program Review by Agata from Poland

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jun 6, 2021
3 Steps to Lean Legs Program Review by Agata from Poland

A word from Rachael:

”If you’ve been following me on Instagram, or reading my blog, you know that you girls are my main inspiration & motivation. This is why I recently reached out to some of you to ask about your progress and feedback. These are their stories. Hope you find them as motivating and uplifting as I have.”

This time I chatted with 26y/o Agata from Poland and one of the winners of my Progress Pic Competition which I hold every two months. :)

In order to win, you can follow in Agata’s footsteps, finish my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program and then send me your before and after photos with visible results. Every winner of my competition gets a 150$ prize!

The Progress Pic Competition is in progress right now, so read Agata’s story to get inspired and then join in. :)

Agata’s Review of the 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program

1. What Was Your Fitness Routine Before You Started Lean Legs Program?

Agata: I have never had any problems with weight because I always ate healthy at home. Everything changed when I left Poland to study in the UK.

Life in London is busy and fast. Thus, I didn’t always have time to cook healthy meals at home. Eating out, enjoying drinks at the pub with friends, and not being physically active contributed to the fact that I was slowly gaining weight.

Thus, I signed up for the gym, but I didn’t feel well there. I didn’t know what exercises to do and I didn’t have a clear training plan.

I joined group pump classes and attended them 2-3 times per week. It was fun, but after a while, I noticed that my thighs got bigger. I didn’t like that since the body type that I like is the slim, lean model look and massive thighs don’t fall into this category.

Apart from the pump, I did some cardio here and there, lost some weight, gained some weight, and so on… I was getting tired, demotivated and frustrated because I tried hard but haven’t seen any results.

RELATED POST: The Female Guide on How to Get Lean and Not Bulky

2. What Made You Change Your Previous Fitness Routine?

Agata: I remember that I started googling phrases such as “what Victoria’s Secret models eat” and then I came across Rachael’s blog. Rachael’s fitness philosophy matched perfectly my goals and I kept reading.

Since then, I started following her on Instagram, learning from her blog and IG stories about body types and nutrition, and finally, I decided to buy her program. Not only have I lost weight and gained lean muscle, but also I am taking more care of myself, have more energy and love myself even more!

Honestly, Rachael, your program is brilliant! I guarantee that any girl who will follow your meal and workout plan will see great results! Thank you so much! I am very proud to be a part of the lean legs community! :)

RELATED POST: Victoria’s Secret Workout Program

3. How Did You Find Out About the Lean Legs Video Course and What Convinced You to Try It Out?

Agata: I found out about your program by watching your Instagram stories. What convinced me to buy it were the amazing results of other girls that I found on your website.

4. Did You Know What’s Your Body Type Before Doing My Body Type Quiz?

Agata: I did not know my body type before doing your Body Type Quiz. Also, before the start of your program, I didn’t know what that means to exercise according to my body type.

I followed some random workouts and quite frankly never seen any results.

Agata is a Mesomorph body type so she followed my 3 Steps for Lean Legs Program for Mesomorphs. As she also found out, knowing your body type is very important if you want to get the best results possible.

You can find out what your body type is with my FREE Body Type Quiz. :)

5. What Was Your Absolute Favourite Part of My Program and Why? What Was the Most Challenging Part of the Program? What Motivated You to Keep Going?

Agata: Nutrition was my favourite. It is because I always thought that to lose weight I need to eat salad and starve myself which is not true! Thanks to this program I learned to cook new, easy, healthy and delicious meals.

The most challenging part for me was to cut sugar and not binge eat. Because of covid, we are locked at home for most of the day with access to the fridge 24/7.

Seeing results kept me going plus I knew that sugar will have a negative impact on results. It was challenging though.

RELATED POST: What Really Happens to Your Body When You Quit Sugar

6. When Did You First Start Seeing Results? Were You Happy With Them?

Agata: I started seeing the first results after 3 weeks. I tracked my progress by measuring myself every week. I was very happy about the first results since that means this program really works!

Overall, I completed 2 rounds. After the first round, I loved the results so much, that I honestly couldn’t wait to see how my body will look like after the second round. Now, I am excited for the third! SO happy :)

RELATED POST: How to Track Your Progress

7. What Are Your Fitness Goals for the Future? How Do You Stay in Shape After Finishing the Course?

Agata: I will complete another round. Now I know more about nutrition and how to eat according to my body type so I am going to modify the meal plan a little bit.

RELATED POST: How to Get Lean Legs – Why You Need to Know Your Body Type

8. Would You Recommend Lean Legs Video Course to Your Friends?

Agata: Yes, it is because the program really works, is well-structured and easy to follow. What makes it stand out is the fact that it focuses on leaning legs and the overall body.

Most of the workouts require to do for example squats which might bulk some girls. Following this program won’t make any girl look bulky.

9. Do You Have Any Advice for Women Who Are About to Start Their Fitness Journey With My Course?

Agata: Be patient, trust the process and keep the promise to yourself that you will complete the program and follow it as well as you can. You will see results faster than you think :)

I am so proud of all of my girls who have finished my program and I hope these stories inspire you to get started on your fitness journey. :)

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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