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3 Steps to Lean Legs Program Review by Mikala from Australia

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jun 4, 2021
lean legs program transformation

A word from Rachael:

”If you’ve been following me on Instagram, or reading my blog, you know that you girls are my main inspiration & motivation. This is why I recently reached out to some of you to ask about your progress and feedback. These are their stories. Hope you find them as motivating and uplifting as I have.”

For this post, I had a chat with 21 y/o Mikala from Australia. She recently finished my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program and also became a winner of my Progress Pic Competition :).

I hold a progress competition every two months because I love seeing your results! They always motivate me to work harder. If you don’t know, to win my competition all you have to do is send before and after progress pictures which show me your amazing results after using my Program. And all the winners get a 150$ prize.

I’m actually currently holding a competition! To join, you have to send me your photos by June 20th. I am looking forward to seeing your progress and I hope Mikala’s story motivates you to do your best.

Mikala’s Review of the 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program

1. What Was Your Fitness Routine Before You Started Lean Legs Program? What Made You Change It?

Mikala: I was previously going to the gym around 3 times a week though I didn’t understand that diet plays a big part and wasn’t focusing on the food I was consuming.

I wasn’t seeing progress and was looking for guidance into what I could do differently.

RELATED POST: Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Eating

2. How Did You Find Out About the Lean Legs Video Course and What Convinced You to Try It Out?

Mikala: I found you from Instagram as someone else had completed your program and their results looked like what I wanted to achieve.

3. Did You Know What’s Your Body Type Before Doing My Body Type Quiz?

Mikala: No, I didn’t know what body type I was so it was great understanding the do’s and don’t s specific for me. :) This was my first program I’ve ever done and I’m glad I found this one to start my fitness journey.

Mikala is an Endomorph body type and she followed my Lean Legs Program for Endomorphs. :)

Endomorph women like Mikala are blessed with a naturally curvacious body (mostly pear-shaped) which is a goal for a lot of women, but it might take them a little bit more time to lean down in comparison to other body types.

Mikala worked so hard to reach her goals and I am so proud!

RELATED POST: Why You Need to Know Your Body Type

4. What Was Your Absolute Favourite Part of My Program and Why?

Mikala: The walking! Oh my goodness it was not only good for my physical but mental health as well.

I am a big fan of running and always have been, so incorporating those two things into my daily life were definitely the biggest things to help me achieve the results I was after.

RELATED POST: Is Walking or Running Better for Fat Loss?

5. What Was the Most Challenging Part of the Program? What Motivated You to Keep Going?

Mikala: Giving in to cravings is definitely something I struggled with. But remembering my why and being pushed with encouraging after-results and following a program where other people have been able to achieve what I wanted was definitely my drive for this whole thing.

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6. When Did You First Start Seeing Results?

Mikala: After the second week I started to notice a difference, and on the 1 month mark I was blown away by not only how tone I was looking but how lean I was looking as well.

RELATED POST: Muscle Toning vs Bulking – How to Know the Difference?

7. How Did You Feel After Finishing the Course? Were Your Happy With Your Results?

Mikala: I’m very happy and a lot more aware of my body and what it needs and thrives with.

I’ve learned a lot about nutrition and the importance of moving my body on this journey and will continue to pursue my fitness growth with this new knowledge.

RELATED POST: How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Food

8. What Are Your Fitness Goals for the Future? How Do You Stay in Shape After Finishing the Course?

Mikala: I’m continuing fulfilling my daily walks and weekly runs, along with now being comfortable to build my strength in the gym and fueling my body without the intense cravings I used to feel.

9. Would You Recommend Lean Legs Video Course to Your Friends? Do You Have Any Advice for Women Who Are About to Start Their Fitness Journey With My Course?

Mikala: Yes definitely, it’s so inclusive and actually provides everyone with great results. Along with being maintainable while working a 9-5 job or living a busy lifestyle.

Watch what you are putting in your body, find the balance of life and fitness and move your body every day!

I am so happy to hear that Mikala was inspired by stories of my girls who finished the program before. And I know that her story inspired me! I hope she inspired you too.

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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