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3 Steps to Lean Legs Program Review by Natalia from Argentina

By Rachael Attard, Updated May 16, 2021
3 Steps to Lean Legs Program Review by Natalia from Argentina

A word from Rachael:

”If you’ve been following me on Instagram, or reading my blog, you know that you girls are my main inspiration & motivation. This is why I recently reached out to some of you to ask about your progress and feedback. These are their stories. Hope you find them as motivating and uplifting as I have.”

This time I chatted with 44 y/o Natalia from Argentina. She’s one of my mesomorph girls who completed my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program. :)

She’s also one of the winners of my Program Pic Competition!

I hold progress competitions because I want to motivate you girls as well as reward your progress. All the girls who do my original program need to send me progress photos and have visible results and they can win 150$ as a reward.

Seeing all of the hard work inspires me and I hope it inspires you too to get fit and healthy!

Natalia’s Review of the 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program

1. What Was Your Fitness Routine Before You Started the Lean Legs Program? How Did You Find Out About the Lean Legs Video Course and What Convinced You to Try It Out?

Natalia: 30 minutes recumbent bike, 30 minutes of mostly wrong resistance training (lunges, squats, etc.). I decided to do some research about what was going on since, instead of having leaner legs, I started to bulk.

That’s how I found your program. By using Google and reading a lot about women struggling with their legs and thighs. I got convinced when I saw the before/after pictures and realized that was the type of change I was after.

RELATED POST: How to Slim Down Muscular Thighs

2. Did You Know What’s Your Body Type Before Doing My Body Type Quiz?

Natalia: No, I didn’t know it so I always ended up doing the wrong type of exercises (spinning, squats, lounges, etc).

Natalie followed my Lean Legs Program for Mesomorphs. As a mesomorph body type, she can lose weight and muscle quickly, but she can gain weight and muscle quickly too.

That’s why all mesomorphs who don’t want to gain muscle need to be careful about what type of workouts they do.

To find your body type, you can take my FREE Body Type Quiz. :)

3. What Was Your Absolute Favourite Part of My Program And What Was the Most Challenging Part? What Motivated You to Keep Going?

Natalia: The walking was my favourite (I’ve always loved to walk but didn’t consider that much of an exercise. I thought it was useful only for the elderly) I seized the opportunity to listen to podcasts while walking! Ideal combo!

The most challenging part was the HIIT routines. I did them at first but replaced them with the booty workouts in the last rounds.

4. When Did You First Start Seeing Results?

Natalia: I saw results by the second round. I tracked my progress by taking measurements of my body but that wasn’t that helpful since it’s difficult to always measure the exact same way (that’s useful only if the change is really drastic, not for more subtle ones).

My main sign of progress was people telling me how different and fit I looked.

RELATED POST: Why You Need Cardio for Lean Legs

5. How Did You Feel After Finishing the Course? Were You Happy With Your Results?

Natalia: Extremely happy. In fact, I kept repeating the program several times! I’m tempted to replace some of the exercises with the new ones you show on your Instagram though.

I’ve actually completed 5 rounds and I’m currently on my 6th round.

6. What Are Your Fitness Goals for the Future? How Do You Stay in Shape After Finishing the Course?

Natalia: Since I’m in my 40s, my fitness goal would be to be able to maintain this current physique. I’m planning to do it by doing my usual Program rounds (replacing some of the exercises with new ones)

7. Would You Recommend Lean Legs Video Course to Your Friends? Do You Have Any Advice for Women Who Are About to Start Their Fitness Journey With My Course?

Natalia: I would definitely recommend it! It allows you to have a fit physique without losing the lean look.

And my main advice would be: be sure to use proper footwear! I ended up with a finger fracture for not doing so!

Thank you Natalie! I’m so proud of the results of your hard work! I can’t wait to see more. :)

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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