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Full Body Resistance Workout For A Lean Body

By Rachael Attard, Updated Oct 3, 2019
full body resistance workout

Hi lovelies,

This is a full body resistance workout for women, that will tone up your body but without making you bigger or too muscular :)



Resistance training should be a part of your workout routine if you want to get lean and toned.

Why? Well, if you want to give your body tone and definition, you need to have muscles. And the way to build muscle is to do resistance training.

Any type of resistance training will help you build muscle – heavyweights with low reps, low weights with high reps, endurance based workouts, or even yoga.

But if you do the wrong type of resistance training, you might get unwanted bulky muscles like I did.

I’m a mesomorph body type (I can gain muscles very quickly) so I prefer bodyweight training.

This type of resistance training has many benefits but these are the ones that I personally find the most important:


I prefer to look leaner and I feel like this type of training gives me a much leaner look compared to lifting weights. I am not as strong as I was when I was lifting weights, but I am definitely more flexible, I have a greater range of motion and I don’t get as sore.

Most importantly, I feel much happier with the way I look now and I’m more confident than before. :)

This style of workout will give you a lean and toned look, so if you like this style of training, you might like my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program!


Bodyweight resistance workouts are great because you don’t need any equipment and you can really do them anywhere. So if you travel a lot or you just don’t have the time to go to the gym, this style of training will be perfect for you.


  1. Complete each exercise for 45, straight after each other, with minimal rest
  2. After you have completed 1 round, rest for 1-2 minutes
  3. Complete 3 round in total.
  4. Note- if you can’t do 45 seconds, aim for 30 seconds or as long as you can :)



full body resistance workout

Do 45 seconds on each side.


full body resistance workout


full body resistance workout

Do 45 seconds on each side.


full body resistance workout


full body resistance workout

Hold for as long as you can (maximum 60 seconds).


full body resistance workout


These are the gliding discs that I use. They’re great because you can use them on both hard and carpeted surfaces xx

I hope you liked this video and if you have any workout requests, let me know!

Love Rachael Xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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17 comments on “Full Body Resistance Workout For A Lean Body”

    Sof says:

    Hi! I am an endomorph so I am a little worried that some of these exersizes will bulk me up even more because I am 5’0 and gain muscle easily. My thighs (especially my inner thighs) and shoulders are very large and I was wondering if you could help me find some more links good for my body type. I am doing power walking already for 45+ minutes 5 times a week because even running makes my thighs bigger :( and i’m trying to look for good resistance videos here that will not make me gain more muscle. Can you help me find some (preferably free but doesn’t have to be :)) links to endomorph exercises?

      Sanja - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      thanks for reaching out! <3

      All of Rachael's full-body workouts won't cause any bulkiness :) Here is a guideline that Rachael wrote for endomorphs that I think you'll find super helpful :) Please let me know if you have any questions! xx


    Del says:

    Hi Rachael. I would like to subscribe to your endormorph program but would like a little clarification from you :-
    (1) If your workout plan enlisting workout of 5-6 times a week with only one rest day but I couldn’t commit strictly to such plan (due to various reasons) and therefore, reduce the frequency of the workout, can I still achieve the desired result?
    (2) I do not like any form of exercise that requires jumping. Do you have any cardio or HIIT workout that accomodate to this?
    (3) Also, I happened to suffer herniated disc due to accident years ago, so bending can be tough for me. Do you have workout that can suit this limitation?
    (4) Hailing from Southeast Asia, berries are difficult to find and fruits can be expensive. Can I modify your diet plan to suit (or perhaps you can advise) and still achieve the desired result?
    Please englighten me on the above. Thank you.

      Ana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hey lovely <3

      Do you mind sending an email with your questions to info@rachaelattard and we'll gladly help you! :)


    Sheba says:

    Hi. I am of an endormorph body type. I currently weighed (and been stucked for months) at 50.5kg and standing at 155cm and aim reach up to 47kg. I read about your endormorph workout plan but due to my rigid commitment with works and so on, I couldn’t possibly adhere to the plan. Currently, I worked out 3x a week, walking on treadmill for one hour (about 6km) and then spending roughly 45mins on pilates (that focus mainly on legs). I am mindful over what I eat by taking overnight oats as breakfast, normal lunch with small portion of rice but I skipped dinner and taking fruits (banana or apple) if I feel hungry. I don’t know what else should I do to break this weight loss plateau. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

      Sanja - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      Thanks for reaching out!

      How often are you walking? Aim to walk a minimum of 5 days per week (the one hour is good :) and also walk for at least 20 mins after each resistance workout (it helps burn more fat). Also, how many calories are you consuming daily? If you’re not sure what your calorie intake should be, you can use this blog to help you calculate. If you’re consuming too little calories daily, it can actually have the opposite effect and actually make you gain weight. I would also like to mention that the macro breakdown for endomorphs is:

      20-25% carbohydrates
      45-50% fats
      30% protein

      Here is a blog that Rachael wrote on weight loss plateau, I think you’ll find it super helpful :)

      Please let me know if you have any questions! xx


    Nell says:

    I am also really young am 15. I’ve always been sporty and I’ve always gd short but skinny legs. This year I’ve been taking my sport a bit more seriously and been working out more. Now I have stretch marks on my inner thighs and my legs esp my calves and Thighs are MASSIVE. Is this normal? With summer coming in so embarrassed by them my legs look like barrels and I am to scared to wear a bikini or short shorts it’s made me really dread the hot weather. I just want them to be how they used to and I don’t know how. I also used to be a proper tomboy and now I wanna b more feminine but I fee like I look like a bulldog in any dresses etc. I have a twin who has the body I used to and it’s really hard to see her just running around in tiny shorts and looking really good, she now calls me a bulldog :),and I’m too scared to talk to my parents about it. I weigh like 55kg and am 5 foot 4. Just wondering if u have any advice? Or on what clothes look more flattering on this body type?x

      Maya - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,
      Thanks for reaching out :-)
      Since you are just 15 years old, your body is still developing and going through a lot of transformations. Rachael’s program is created for older women so if you are aiming to lose weight, it’s best you talk to your parents so they can get you an appointment with a specialist.
      A nutritionist can advise you on your nutrition and your doctor can give you advice on workouts. This is the only way to achieve the results you wish in a healthy way that suits your age.
      Wishing you the best of luck! Xx

    Maggie says:

    Hi Rachael,
    I am actually quite young, 15 in a few weeks but i’m always trying to lose a bit of weight on my belly, arms and legs. My body has some muscle as it runs in the family but most of it is hidden under the ‘lining’ of fat so it just makes me look even bigger. The muscle is mostly in my thighs so my thighs are very big. I exercise almost every day but nothing seems to work. I have always tried to look online for workout plans but obviously you have to pay for everything but because I am young I don’t have a job so I don’t have any money. I currently weigh around 80kg but i want to be at least 60kg preferably 55kg. I have read all of your blogs but I was just wandering if you have any more free tips?

      Tijana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,
      Thank you for reaching out! :)
      ​Since you are 15 years old (well, you will be soon! :)), your body is still developing and changing so ​if you want to lose weight, it’s better you talk to your parents so they can get you an appointment with a nutritionist. Weight loss has a lot to do with healthy nutrition and also, your developing body needs a special diet plan, so this is why it is best to speak to a specialist who will help you reach your goals. :)
      Wishing you the best of luck! xx

    Sarah says:

    Hi Rachael.. I’m not the type of person who reaches out through the sea of comments and hopes for help from the professional… but here I am. I’m getting married in four months. I’ve been working out hard and recently purchased your lean legs program. I need help. I feel like I just hate myself. I feel like I’m working so hard and the reward so far is not as promising as I’d hoped. I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing and I am just trying hard to look and feel my best by the time my wedding day arrives. I’m not fat, I’m not ugly but I do have some fat and I’m just so disgusted with myself. Please help me. I struggle to understand carbs, calories, fiber, protein, when to eat, when not to eat, I’m just so confused. I feel like I used to have all of this dialed in and it just got lost!! Thank you so much.

      Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,
      I’m sorry to hear about your struggles! :(
      I know that reaching your fitness goals can be hard and it requires patience and time. It might just take you a little longer.
      Everyone gets results at different rates, so I would keep going and stay persistent.

      If you’re following the workout plan and eating healthy you should see results after the 8 weeks, so don’t let the current situation discourage you!
      We always recommend doing what feels best for your body and not stressing out so much about calculating every calorie and macronutrient. The healthier you eat the better your results will be so keep it up, you’ve got this!

      If you need some extra motivation please have a read of this blog post for some great tips. Wishing you all the best! xx


    Maria mina says:

    You have amazing lean legs I hate my legs fat&flabby help!!!

      Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,
      I know that reaching your fitness goals can be hard and that you probably have lots of questions about how to get that lean and toned body.
      Rachael would love to help you as much as she can :) that’s why she has created her Lean Legs program and Lean Legs Training Club.
      The program in the eBook is an 8 week workout and nutrition plan designed to help you get lean and toned without bulking. It will help you slim down your legs, but will also help you slim and tone your upper body and core too (the workouts are full body). It also includes a full meal plan, a separate recipe eBook and demonstration videos.

      You can check out the Lean Legs program here:

      Love, Lean Legs Club support

      Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,
      I know that reaching your fitness goals can be hard and that you probably have lots of questions about how to get that lean and toned body.
      Rachael would love to help you as much as she can :) that’s why she has created her Lean Legs program and Lean Legs Training Club.
      The program in the eBook is an 8 week workout and nutrition plan designed to help you get lean and toned without bulking. It will help you slim down your legs, but will also help you slim and tone your upper body and core too (the workouts are full body). It also includes a full meal plan, a separate recipe eBook and demonstration videos.

      You can check out the Lean Legs program here:

      Love, Lean Legs Club support

    Essie says:

    Hi Rachael,

    What’s the difference with Resistance Training and HIIT? I’m a mixture of meso/endo and would like to know the difference between both because my exercises can be confusing at times :/ Thank you!

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