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Lais Ribeiro’s Diet and Workout Tips

By Rachael Attard, Updated Feb 12, 2021
Lais Ribeiro diet and workout routine

If you’ve been following my blog for a while now, you know how much I adore and respect the Victoria’s Secret Angels. They’re completely committed to their health and wellbeing. 

But they also have loads of great workout and diet secrets that they’re willing to share with their fans. And those secrets work!

In this blog post, Lais Ribeiro, one of the most successful and inspiring VS models, is going to share all of her diet and workout secrets with you!

She first became an Angel in 2015 and returned to the show again, looking just as beautiful, toned, and slender as ever.

So, how does she do it? With a killer diet and workout routine, that’s how.

lais ribeiro diet workout


Lais doesn’t change her diet a lot to prepare for shows. Instead, she keeps things pretty consistent throughout the year, letting her workouts help her get runway ready.

She strives to avoid processed foods every day and eats plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins every day. Lais also rarely drinks alcohol even though she loves going out with friends and fellow Angels, Sara Sampaio and Jasmine Tookes


Lais starts the day off with a nutrient-dense smoothie bowl and a large glass of water. These help her stay hydrated throughout the morning while also giving her a large dose of beneficial antioxidants. 

Her favourite smoothie bowl has an açai base and features sliced seasonal fresh fruit, blueberries, and nuts for added protein. Since she travels frequently and has to rely on smoothie shops away from home, her toppings often change. 

But the variety helps her avoid that horrible feeling of burnout when you get so used to certain foods that they’re no longer appealing.

If you want to try an açai bowl for yourself, check out this recipe.



For lunch, Lais likes to keep things simple and fresh. Her favourite dish is one of the most popular snacks out there: avocado toast. But Lais turns it into a meal by adding delicious and fresh toppings to the mash.

She starts with a piece of thick whole-grain toast and spreads half of a mashed avocado on top. Then she adds a lean protein like grilled chicken breast or smoked salmon—the smoked salmon is her favourite.

Lais then adds red onion rings on top of the salmon and serves a fresh herb and baby greens salad on the side. Like most Angels, she prefers vinaigrettes, but she tries to avoid adding too much dressing to the greens. This helps her keep her sodium intake down. 


For dinner, Lais often goes out with her friends. But she strives to make sensible choices at restaurants. 

Some of her favourite foods are shellfish and seafood. When possible, she gets these baked or steamed. If the dish includes a sauce, she’ll get it on the side and dip into it rather than slathering it over the entire plate.

Since seafood is naturally lean and full of protein, this is one of the healthiest options you could have when dining out. But if seafood isn’t something you enjoy, stick to another lean protein. Chicken, turkey, and even some lean cuts of beef are all great options when you’re out on the town. 

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In Costa Rica back with my @si_swimsuit fam ?

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The Lais Ribeiro diet is rather forgiving—she doesn’t believe in avoiding any type of food completely. She just reserves some for dedicated cheat days, which happen when she’s out with friends or celebrating certain milestones. 

On those cheat days, she’ll order whatever she’s craving. This is often a burger with fries or a platter of lasagna. With her meal, she’ll also have a glass of wine if she feels like it. 

Cheat meals aren’t for everyone—I personally don’t like them as they make me feel gross and bloated for several days afterward. But if you feel that you need to indulge in a little something extra, you can. Just be sensible about it. 


Lais loves working out and does what she can to squeeze a workout in every single day. Even when she’s traveling, she finds time to get her sweat on and you can’t deny the results. But with so much commitment to fitness, she needs to vary her routines to keep herself looking lean and toned without bulking up or getting bored.


For cardio, Lais is willing to go for runs, but they’re not her favorite way to get her heart pumping. She likes doing fitness classes like group aerobics, boxing, and Muay Thai instead. 

When she has time, she also does dance classes with Simone de la Rue and it’s one of her favorite ways to get her heart rate up. 


Even though Lais is naturally slender, she still has to work to tone her arms, legs, butt, and abs. 

When she’s at home, she joins her fellow Angels in working out at The Dogpound with founder and lead trainer, Kirk Meyers. When she’s not, she runs through other routines and exercises to help her stay lean.



Lais loves giving her glutes a serious workout. And she does it with just a handful of exercises. 

  • Lunge with slider on rear leg – 45 seconds on each side
  • Bridge with resistance band – 45 seconds
  • Leg raise with resistance band around knees – 45 seconds on each side

These exercises all target the glutes while also helping to slim down the upper thighs. And since the only equipment needed is a resistance band and a slider, she can do the routine anywhere.


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Hello Cannes

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Lais focuses on her butt, but that doesn’t mean she neglects the rest of her body. In fact, she gives it plenty of attention. She just does it in different ways.

Some days, she’ll hit the pool and use underwater weights to create resistance and help her build strength in her arms. Others, she does yoga to tone those hard-to-target muscle groups completely. 


The Lais Ribeiro diet and workout routine focuses on eating right, fueling the body, and pushing different muscle groups to new limits. 

She does it with help from a personal trainer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t see similar results at home. You just need to get started with the right workouts. 

Check out my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program and let me show you how easy it is to get your body lean and healthy.

Love Rachael xx

Featured Image credit: FashionStock.com / Shutterstock.com

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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