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Rachael Attard Program Review by Ellen from Norway

By Rachael Attard, Updated Nov 14, 2021

A word from Rachael:

“Getting motivated to start your fitness journey can be really hard sometimes. There’s so much happening in our everyday lives that working out can feel overwhelming.

That’s why I wanted to share some of the stories that my lovely girls sent me during my Share Your Journey Challenge. They are all so brave and so inspiring to me, and I hope they can be to you too.

Ellen is an Endomorph from Norway who followed my G.A.L. (Glutes, Abs, Legs) program. She’s one of the girls who’s story resonated with me.

Ellen’s Review of the G.A.L. Program

1. Did you know which body type you are before doing the Body Type Quiz? What was your fitness routine before you started the program?

Ellen: No, I wasn’t even aware there were different body types.

Before I started the program, I did weightlifting in the gym when it opened after lockdown. I felt I was just getting bigger without losing the fat for almost 6 months.

RELATED POST: Why You Need to Know Your Body Type

2. How did you find out about the program and what convinced you to try it out?

Ellen: I saw an article about RA and bought LLP (3 Steps to Lean Legs Program) almost 2 years ago.

I never tried until I came across the week challenge of GAL and liked the video quality. I bought that program too and started immediately.

3. When did you first start seeing results? How did you track your progress and how did you feel when you noticed those first results?

Ellen: The results came around week 4-5. I weighed and measured myself halfway through and lost a few cm but weight was the same.

Around week 7-8 was when I felt it was more visible. It felt amazing to see more results after this 8-week program than months in the gym.

RELATED POST: How to Track Your Progress

4. What was your absolute favourite part of the program and what was the most challenging? What motivated you to keep going?

Ellen: I loved the circuits. Coming from weightlifting it felt a bit too easy, but it gave really good results.

The most challenging was making time for 2 workouts a day and following the guidelines of the diet. Powerwalks took up a lot of time, and eating more than I was used to was a bit hard.

But seeing how it gave amazing results in short time motivated me a lot. I was a bit disappointed losing the firmness in my arms though, so I’ll probably add more arm exercises next round.

RELATED POST: Why I Prefer Bodyweight Training over Lifting Weights

5. How did you feel after finishing the program? What are your goals for the future?

Ellen: I feel so great having lost my lockdown weight. I still have a long way to go, so I will be repeating the program. Knowing that this actually works, with much less effort than doing intense workouts in the gym, I am so motivated to continue.

I found it is easier to incorporate this program as a lifestyle than any other programs I’ve tried before.

6. Are you happy with what you have achieved so far? How do you plan on continuing your fitness journey?

Ellen: I feel very happy. I am on my rest week and so ready to start a second round on Monday. Knowing what to expect, I’ll be more consistent with the diet and plan more ahead of time how to fit in everything in my daily life.

7. Would you recommend the program to your friends? Do you have any advice for the girls that are about to start their fitness journey?

Ellen: I would absolutely! The program is less intense yet gives amazing results as long as you are consistent.

And the advice, be patient, don’t worry about the scale, because it is in the inches you will see the results. And don’t worry too much whenever you fall off a day or two, just gwt back on track and you will be fine.

Thank you for sharing your story Ellen! I’m sure it will motivate so many of you lovelies as it did me!

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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