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Gisele Bündchen Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Feb 5, 2021
Gisele Bundchen diet and workout routine

Today we are taking a look at the Gisele Bündchen diet and workout routine! I don’t think Gisele needs any introduction, but just in case, I’ll do the honours.

Gisele is a Brazilian model and actress and has been one of the highest paid models on the planet since 2004. She’s walked in hundreds of catwalk shows, been on thousands of covers and in even more magazine editorials. Currently, she is the Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme and works with other charities such as Red Cross and Save the Children.

Gisele and her whole family lead a healthy lifestyle and I was so interested to learn how she always looks so amazing!

Here’s what I found out :)

gisele bundchen diet and workout routine


When she was younger and just started to get into modelling Gisele’s diet consisted of a lot of fast food, mocha Frappuccino and a lot of cigarettes.

But with time she realized that a good diet and regular workouts are the only way to go if you want to stay fit and healthy, especially in the modelling industry. So today, she is much more mindful about what she consumes.


Gisele, along with her husband and children has adopted a whole food, predominantely plant-based diet. This means that they stick with organic ingredients where possible, and consume fruit, vegetables that are either raw or lightly cooked, whole grains and legumes. They do have some meat or seafood from time to time.

Gisele loves to cook and she even has her own garden! So during spring and summer time, she has her own organic veggies – squash, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, kale and arugula.

Her husband Tom is the all onboard with the healthy-eating regime which certainly helps. He’s even released his vegan protein powder made with pea protein.


According to Gisele and Tom’s former personal chef, Allen Campbell, 80% of what Gisele eats is vegetables.

This is what her typical meals look like.


Gisele’s day starts off with liquids. First thing she’ll have water with half a lemon and then either a green juice or a smoothie if she’s going to be working out.

Here’s what she puts in them.

Gisele Bündchen GREEGreen Juice Recipe

  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Apple
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Lemon


  • Berries
  • Cacao powder
  • Hemp seed
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seed
  • Coconut milk 


When it’s time for lunch, Gisele is often found eating either soup or a salad. If she has a salad, she’ll eat it with avocado and crackers. Her soup will have chickpeas and vegetables.

She also enjoys eating spring rolls with tahini dipping sauce. She makes them from:

  • Two slices of avocado
  • Two slices of apple
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber


Dinner in the Bündchen-Brady household consists of fresh vegetables with whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, beans and millet. Sometimes they will have some salmon, grass-fed organic steak or duck.

Their family also loves to have sushi from time to time. And they use brown rice instead of white. Because they stick to a gluten-free diet, instead of having soy sauce, they will use ponzu sauce.


Like many of us, Gisele likes sweet things from time to time. But rather than reaching for store-bought ice cream or other sugary treats, she makes her own dairy and processed sugar-free ice cream. To make it, she uses raw cacao powder, bananas and avocado. She also adds fresh honey or dates to some meals for a sweet touch.


One of her family’s favourite snacks is to have hummus with vegetables such as celery, carrots and cucumbers.

Her family enjoys an almond and herb snack, which you can easily make yourself at home too. This is how you do it:

  • Soak raw almonds overnight and then peel the skin off
  • Cut some rosemary and garlic into small pieces and mix with the almonds
  • Add olive oil and sea salt
  • Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees


Gisele eats a mainly plant-based so she usually avoids meat and dairy. She also avoids all types of processed foods – white flour and white sugar especially and gluten.

She also doesn’t drink much coffee anymore. As I mentioned, she used to eat a lot of junk food which made her feel tired and sluggish. So she drank a lot of coffee to get an energy boost. But now that she has a much better diet and has a lot of energy, she doesn’t need to consume so much caffeine.


Even Gisele has a cheat day every now and then. Her family loves to indulge in raw chocolate chip cookies or raw granola. She also likes to snack on dark chocolate every day, even if it’s just a small bite.


Even though the Gisele Bündchen diet is packed with whole foods and vitamins, she does get a little helping hand from some supplements. She regularly takes Vitamin C, D and a B multivitamin.


Gisele believes that it’s good to give your digestive system a rest, since digesting can take up a lot of your body’s energy. Because of this, she’ll fast until lunchtime twice a week. This makes her feel incredibly energised.



Gisele recently released a book entitled ‘Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life’. In this book she shares some of her secrets about staying fit and keeping her awesome body looking the way it does.

She mentions in the book that she exercises for sanity and clarity, as well as to get a great body. This is definitely important for everyone – exercise is good for your overall health and certainly your mental health.

Gisele works out every morning and gives each workout 100% dedication. Rather than wanting to be the best, she focuses more on giving her best. She doesn’t freak out if she happens to miss a workout, and she doesn’t think of exercise as something she has to do. But when she does do it, she’s completely present and focuses on the intensity.

Gisele looks absolutely fantastic and if you want to look like her, you finally can! I’ve created a 5-day video course which will help you achieve that model like body. All 5 workout videos are completely free and you can download them below :)


Gisele likes to do a mix of physical activity including surfing, skiing, yoga, martial arts and kickboxing. Being outside in nature is good for her mind, body, and spirit, so she’ll do that whenever she can.

She particularly enjoys hatha yoga after trying various forms of yoga over the years. After experiencing panic attacks in her 20s, she feels that yoga gave her back her life and believes it’s a powerful spiritual practice.

When she’s at home in Boston, she’ll sometimes go to her husband’s gym and use resistance bands. Or you can find her doing dance or Pilates classes.



Gisele practices clean eating like no one else I’ve written before, not even Kim Kardashian or Alexis Ren! And it definitely pays off when you look at that gorgeous face and body. I ‘m a huge fan of clean eating and Gisele is proof of what a healthy lifestyle can do for you.

I hope you’ve got some inspiration from reading about the Gisele Bündchen diet. Maybe you’ll try some of her snacks or meal ideas. I think I’m going to go try that almond snack right now – sounds delicious!

Thanks for reading!

Love Rachael xx

Featured Image credit: FashionStock.com / Shutterstock.com

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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