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Gal Gadot’s Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jan 10, 2021
Gal Gadot diet and workout routine

Is there anything more inspiring than a woman who can dominate in everything from self-defense to walking the runway? No? I don’t think so either. 

In fact, I’d say that this woman is a regular superhero! And she is…I’m talking about Gal Gadot who reprised her role as Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman in the new film which premiered at the end of 2020. 

She’s a natural when it comes to stunts, largely because of her time working as a combat instructor in the Israel Defense Forces. But she’s so much more than that! She even won the title of Miss Israel in 2004! 

The key to her success in everything she does lies in her diet and workout routine. Let’s get right to it!


Gal tries to eat a nutrient-rich diet free of processed foods and sugars whenever she can. This means she focuses on lean proteins, eats plenty of fresh veg each day, and does what she can to incorporate high-quality carbohydrates.

She grew up in Israel, so the Mediterranean diet is what she’s used to eating. This makes it easy for her to stick to healthy foods as it’s what she already craves.

Most of her meals are super simple, which works with her busy lifestyle.

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Most days, Gal starts off the morning with a hearty breakfast of eggs and fresh seasonal fruit. Think cantaloupe, berries, apples, and grapes. The combination gives her the right mix of protein and packs tons of vitamins and minerals which give her a natural boost of energy.

If she’s looking for a simple way to incorporate more veg into her day, she’ll make a smoothie with her daughter. 

Her go-to includes green apple, ginger, celery, and parsley. If she has vegetables and fruit that need to get used soon, she’ll toss them into the blender, too. The result is a nutrient-rich meal that sets her up for a great and healthy rest of the day.

Her morning routine isn’t complete without a cup of coffee. She’s a coffee lover and she takes it either black or with a little sugar.


Gal LOVES to have sushi for lunch, but tries to stay away from sea urchin, clams, and salmon roe. The fish combined with rice is completely in line with the Mediterranean diet and always leaves her feeling great. 

That said, she doesn’t eat sushi all that often. Instead, she tries to make her plate a true reflection of the Mediterranean diet, but with WAY more vegetables. She’ll eat a small portion of lean protein like chicken or grilled salmon and will fill the rest of her plate with seasonal veggies. 

If she’s looking for something a bit heartier, she’ll add some brown rice or quinoa into the mix. 

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Dinners are typically just as healthy as the rest of Gal’s meals. She’ll grab a grilled chicken breast and eat it with a side salad dressed with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar or sauté fresh fish and dress it up with lemon, thyme, and garlic. 

She’s also LOVES to indulge in a juicy takeout burger now and then, but most of her meals, she makes at home with her family.


Gal’s favourite snack is one that I personally love eating whenever I can. It’s avocado toast! But she kicks things up a notch by serving it alongside plenty of fresh vegetables. Her go-to options are bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and celery.

It’s jam-packed with fiber and tons of vitamin C to help her stay healthy.


Believe it or not, Gal doesn’t avoid any particular food groups. When she wants to, she’ll order a beer or a glass of wine with a meal. She’s a fan of chocolate and other sweets, but she’s careful not to overdo it. 

When she indulges in those slightly less healthy options, she just makes sure she doesn’t overeat. For Gal, it’s about balance rather than intense restrictions. 

She also tries to drink tons of water every day. This helps her stay hydrated and makes it easier for Gal to handle her often-intense workouts.

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Gal’s workout routine has always been intense. Her background in the military helped establish her great habits. When she was younger and heavily involved in modeling and fashion, her workouts focused on building lean muscle and toning it up.

Those workouts involved tons of bodyweight training. This helped her stay lean and kept her from building tons of muscle which could detract from the image she wanted to cultivate.

But when Gal is preparing for Wonder Woman, her fitness routine becomes something else entirely. She worked out six hours a day. SIX! No matter who you are, that kind of workout would build bulk! But that’s what she was going for—after all, Wonder Woman is a superhero.

I don’t recommend ever working out that much each day, especially if your goal is to stay lean and trim. But that doesn’t mean her workout routine can’t work for you. 

Her favourite types of exercises are TRX workouts, but she also gets in a pretty intense routine now and then.

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Gal doesn’t typically hit the treadmill to get her heart rate up.

Instead, she usually does boxing or gets on the rowing machine for about 10 minutes before starting her strength routine. 

Rowing is great cardio, but it can build leg muscle quite easily. If you’re trying not to bulk up, try one of these great cardio exercises instead.

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Most of Gal’s strength training doesn’t require tons of heavy weights. Staying true to her love of TRX, the star focuses on bodyweight exercises. Here are a few of her favorites:

  • Mountain climbers – 1 minute
  • Burpee broad jumps – 1 minute
  • Pull-ups – 7 reps repeated 3 times, resting in between
  • Pushups – 1 minute

These exercises give her a full-body workout without the use of weights, making them perfect for training on the go. 

When she’s looking to focus on her abs, she does static plank for 30 seconds followed by a one-minute rest. Then she does pushups for 30 seconds and rests for another minute. She repeats the circuit three times.

But Gal prefers to get her ab training in with more non-traditional exercises. She’s a huge fan of swimming and paddle boarding anytime she’s near the water. Both exercises engage her abs and build functional core strength without leading to too much bulking up.


Overall, I like what Gal is doing. Her workouts can be adapted to work for a variety of body types without causing too much bulk. Her diet also emphasises eating plenty of fresh veggies, lean proteins, and healthy high-quality complex carbohydrates as a great way to fuel your body. 

Love Rachael xx

Featured Image Credit: Gal Gadot’s Instagram

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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6 comments on “Gal Gadot’s Diet and Workout Routine”

    Stacey says:

    I love reading these reviews on celebrity diet and fitness, as well as other work out routines you research and how they compare to your Lean Legs program! Thank you!!

      Sanja - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      I’m so glad that you’re enjoying Rachael’s reviews <3


    Camila says:

    Love your post about the Gal Gadot diet. I have a question, I train 5 hours a week, 3 hours of artistic gymnastics and 2 hours of cardio, will this make my leg muscle grow?

      Sanja - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,

      thanks for reaching out! <3

      I'm so glad that you enjoyed the post! <3

      It really depends on your body type. If you're a ectomorph, it most likely won't make your leg muscles grow. However, if you're a mesomorph or endomorph, it most likely will.

      If you're not sure about your body type, you can take Rachael's free body type quiz here.

      I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any questions! xx


    Erin says:

    would you say she’s more of an ectomorph?

      Marina - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hey lovely,

      Thanks for reaching out!

      She’s most likely a mesomorph/ectomorph mix – she definitely can build muscle but she’s also naturally quite slim :)

      Let me know if you have any other questions!


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