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3 Steps to Lean Legs Review by Wiktoria from Poland

By Rachael Attard, Updated Jul 11, 2021
3 Steps to Lean Legs Program Review by Wiktoria from Poland

A word from Rachael:

”If you’ve been following me on Instagram, or reading my blog, you know that you girls are my main inspiration & motivation. This is why I recently reached out to some of you to ask about your progress and feedback. These are their stories. Hope you find them as motivating and uplifting as I have.”

In this interview, I chatted with 18y/o Wiktoria from Poland. This lovely recently finished my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program and she is one of the winners of my June Progress Pic Competition!

The best part is, I hold this competition every two months. So if you want to join, all you need to do is start my program (the sooner the better, since my next Progress Pic Competition ends in August!), achieve visible results, and send me good before and after photos.

And all of the winners get 150 USD as a reward! My goal is to motivate you and help you achieve your dreams, which is why I hold this competition every two months. You girls inspire me so much and I want to inspire you back. :)

Wiktoria’s Review of the 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program

1. What Was Your Fitness Routine Before You Started the Lean Legs Program? What Made You Change It?

Wiktoria: I used to have some eating disorders and work out only to burn calories but I was so tired of overthinking everything I ate, so I wanted to change my habits and start doing everything intuitively.

As I did not like my bulky legs much I found were like that because of so many exercises on that part of the body, which didn’t work out at all. It just made my legs more bulky.

When I found out about your program I was excited to get the results. At first, it was hard for me to remember that changes take a long time but now I know it was a good choice.

RELATED POST: The Female Guide on How to Get Lean and Not Bulky

2. How Did You Find Out About My Program and What Convinced You to Try It Out?

Wiktoria: I found you on Instagram when I was looking for tips how to get slimmer legs. Your program seems to me very professional and thoughtful.

RELATED POST: How to Slim Calves

3. Did You Know What’s Your Body Type Before Doing My Body Type Quiz?

Wiktoria: No. I’ve found out my body type after the quiz and since then I am following the Rachael’s program.

Wiktoria is a mix between a Mesomorph and an Endomorph body type which is why she followed my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program for Endomorphs.

If you want to find out what your body type is so that you can modify your workouts and get better results, check out my FREE Body Type Quiz :).

4. What Was Your Absolute Favourite Part of My Program and Why? What Was the Most Challenging Part? What Motivated You to Keep Going?

Wiktoria: I really like the workouts. After them I wasn’t exhausted at all, but I still felt the moves. After the first few weeks, my body was sore, which really confused me because I used to lift weights.

The most challenging part was of course patience. I really was thinking of slimming down my body. Now, after all the struggles with food, health is the most important part of my life and it really motivates me to keep going.

RELATED POST: Why I Don’t Lift Heavy Weights Anymore

5. When Did You First Start Seeing Results?

Wiktoria: At first, I measured myself and I was writing my results. I think the first time I saw results was after one round. I was so excited that I started the second one which made a huge difference in me. And not only physically but also mentally.

RELATED POST: How to Track Your Progress

6. How Did You Feel After Finishing the Program? Were Your Happy With Your Results?

Wiktoria: Your program really has changed my life. I do not struggle with my body dysmorphia and enjoy food a lot more. The results are huge !

7. What Are Your Fitness Goals for the Future? How Do You Stay in Shape After Finishing the Course?

Wiktoria: Now, I am focusing on my health. I eat healthy 80% of the time and in that 20 I try to enjoy my cravings. I also still stick to your workouts.

RELATED POST: Why I Follow the 80:20 Rule

8. Would You Recommend My Program to Your Friends? Do You Have Any Advice for Women Who Are About to Start Their Fitness Journey With My Course?

Wiktoria: Yes and I already did that. In my opinion, this program focuses not only on slimming the body, but also during workouts it makes me happy and it reminds me to feel the body and prompts me to think.

And my advice is, do not rush! Result are on the way! Just focus on yourself.

I am so proud of Wiktoria and happy to hear that health matters the most to her now! I hope you lovelies find inspiration in Wiktoria’s story and if you have any questions, let me know in the comments :)

Love Rachael Xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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