Search Results: "lose weight"

Can Garcinia Cambogia Help With Weight Loss?

garcinia cambogia

Losing weight can be hard. I’ve had my fair share of health issues that made me feel like it’s almost impossible to slim down. And sometimes, no matter what we do, we hit that wall. You know what I’m talking about — you exercise, you eat ...

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Is the Vegan Diet Good For Weight Loss?

vegan diet weight loss

In August 2017, I went vegan for three months to see if it would help me with some of my health issues. I wrote about my entire experience in this blog post.  One of you asked me if it’s possible to lose weight while on the vegan diet. Dur...

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Is Stress Causing Your Weight Gain?

stress causing weight gain

If you’re like me, you spend a good part of the week feeling stressed about something (and yes feeling "busy" is a form of stress!). It doesn’t matter what that something is. It can change by the day, the week, or even the hour. There are seve...

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