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Kate Middleton Diet And Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Feb 12, 2021
Kate Middleton diet and workout routine

After my recent blog post on Meghan Markle, many of you asked about her sister-in-law, and wanted to know about Kate Middleton’s diet.

I was also super curious to know what she does to stay looking so amazing all the time.

kate middleton diet and workout routine

Now we have to remember that Kate has had three babies! Plus, she leads a really busy lifestyle assisting the Royal family with various engagements and of course her own charity work. So if you are a busy mom, she’s really someone to look up to.

As you can expect, Kate doesn’t do a lot of interviews (that’s royal protocol for you), so it’s not easy to find out everything we’d like to know about her.

But I can share with you the details of the Kate Middleton diet and workout routine that I managed to find online – maybe you’ll get some inspiration!


As you’d expect with someone that looks so good all the time, the Kate Middleton diet is a rigorous one.

Kate is a lover of whole foods. She enjoys eating clean and being on a high protein diet.


If you haven’t heard of the Dukan Diet before, you’ll be interested to know that this is the Kate Middleton’s diet of choice to follow when she wants to lose weight. 

It’s been her go-to diet for after each of her pregnancies. When she’s on the Dukan diet, she avoids all carbs and only eats healthy fats and oils, vegetables, and lean proteins.

But, while it may be an effective weight loss diet for her, I would still recommended that you have at least some carbs in your diet.

I’d recommend speaking to your doctor before attempting this diet to lose weight, just to make sure that it’s safe for you.

I must point out though that Kate isn’t on this diet all the time. This is her ‘get rid of baby weight fast’ diet.

But even when she’s not on the Dukan diet, she still follows a strict nutritious program on a regular basis. And this is what she eats:

  • A blend of fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants
  • Smoothies both morning and afternoon (Kate likes to have spirulina, kale, spinach, blueberries, matcha, lettuce and cilantro in hers).
  • Little or no dairy
  • Almond milk and berry snacks


Kate has always made fitness a priority, and it really shows! This mindset goes way back to her Uni days and right through all three of her pregnancies.

Even with three young children and a busy lifestyle, she is able to incorporate weights and cardio into her day, even if it means running with the pram. Go Kate!

She also likes to work out with her sister Pippa when the two of them are spending time together. And Kate also likes to swim whenever she gets a chance.

She makes an effort every day to ensure she gets at least one hour of working out done. 

Kate looks amazing, thanks to her diet and workout routine. And if you want to train like Kate, I have something really special for you! :)

I’ve created a 5-day video course which will help you achieve that model like body. All 5 workout videos are completely free and you can download them below :)


Often the best way to exercise is to do it without realizing, like when you do sports.

For Kate, it’s all about spending time outside. Her favorite activities are tennis, hockey and sailing which she has done from an early age. 

She also played netball and participated in athletics when she was at school.

I was quite interested to see that she once trained for a dragon boat race across the English Channel for two months!


Playing tennis is great as it has so many benefits including these ones:

  • It improves your strength and flexibility
  • Helps to tone muscles
  • Increases your aerobic capacity
  • Improves your reaction time
  • Helps to reduce stress
  • Improves hand-eye coordination

Hockey is also a great sport to play as it is excellent cardio exercise, which is great for losing fat and staying fit. Does this link work?

Hockey also improves your coordination and balance and increases your strength.


In Kate’s workout routines, she always incorporates planking – normal front plank, side plank and prone sky dive plank – which is great for toning your tummy and tightening up your core. She also works on her abs by using a Swiss ball.

I also include different variations of planking in my workouts because they are really effective! If you like planking, you might like some of my ab and core workouts. You can find them here. :)


Kate understands the connection between physical and mental health. She always try to make sure she’s getting the right amount of exercise each week.

But it’s not all “go go go” in Kate’s workouts. She also loves to do yoga as much as she can, since it helps her de-stress.


Kate obviously looks stunning all the time, so I have to say that what she does definitely works! 

I really like the fact that she makes sure to workout every day, not matter how busy she is. And she certainly likes to mix things up by not only doing solo workouts but playing social sports as well.

I also like that Kate’s regular diet includes lots of proteins, healthy fats, fruit and vegetables!

Love Rachel xx

Featured Image credit: Twocoms / Shutterstock.com

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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2 comments on “Kate Middleton Diet And Workout Routine”

    Kristy Howard says:

    I’m a huge Kate Middleton fan, so thank you so much for taking the time to research and write this!

    I do have a question: would you say that Kate is an ectomorph body type? If so, isn’t that type “allowed” to eat more carbs? The reason I ask is because I’m an ectomorph body type, and I’m interested in her diet. :)

      Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,
      Yes, she’s an ectomorph. :) Of course you’re allowed to eat a bit more carbs, it’s just her personal preference to cut them out. xx


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