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Meghan Markle’s Workout Routine and Diet

By Rachael Attard, Updated Feb 12, 2021
Meghan Markle diet and workout routine

There are celebrities and then there’s royalty. And I’m not gonna lie…I LOVED watching the royal wedding. The guest list was full of A-listers, the decorations were on point and everyone looked amazing.

But let’s be honest…there were really two stars everyone was watching—myself included. And Meghan Markle definitely stood out. She was regal, gorgeous, and gracious.

And of course, her figure was perfect. But she has to work for it just like everyone else!  

When it comes to her diet and exercise routine, she’s less about trends and more about long-term dedication.

The now-Duchess of Sussex has always been good about staying healthy and there’s a lot we can learn from her routine and tricks.



Meghan’s mother is a yoga instructor. So it should come as no surprise that she hits the mat and flows through poses regularly.

Believe it or not, she started learning yoga with her mother when she was just seven years old! This means she makes even the hardest poses look easy. Yoga is her main go-to and she uses it to help with everything from mental clarity to alleviating uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms.

It’s part of what helps her stay limber, loose, and ready to handle everything being a member of the royal family entails.

Yoga is definitely Meghan’s favorite workout and she uses it to keep her muscles toned and lean.

And you can too. It just takes dedication and practice. You don’t even have to join a yoga studio! Lay out a blanket on the floor and try one of these great routines.

Or you can try Yoga with Adriene. Her Youtube channel is my favourite and it’s free :)


Everyone needs to do a bit of cardio to keep their heart strong, burn through fat, and improve their overall health. And Meghan is no different.

She loves running and used to run almost every day. Even if it meant getting up at 4:15 in the morning to hit the pavement before shooting started.

But now that she’s gotten a bit older, that high-impact exercise routine just isn’t practical. The impact hurts her knees.

If you’ve ever gone for a jog and felt like your knees got creaky or sore afterwards, you know what she’s talking about. So, to give her joints a break, she’s cut down on running outside and instead incorporates shorter runs as she can.

But as you guys may know, walking is a great low-impact cardio workout. So if you have similar problems or find that your legs bulk up from running, I suggest you try walking. You just have to commit to doing it regularly in order to see results.


When Meghan was still shooting Suits, she wanted to take her fitness to the next level. She incorporated full body resistance training into her workout routines. But she did it in a way that wouldn’t make her bulk up.

You see, resistance training is very important if you want to get toned and avoid skinny fat look. But if you lift heavy weights it can make you too muscular. And since Meghan seems to prefer a more lean look, they avoided heavy weights.

Here’s what her former coach, Craig McNamee, said about her workout routine in an interview – “This workout is great for celebs and regular gym goers alike. It hits all the right areas and helps you work toward a long, lean, camera-ready look.” 

To get that look, they went for lighter weights combined with a higher number of reps. They would work out together three or four times per week for 45-minute. 

She would warm up by doing cardio and stretching for 10 minutes. After that, she would do a 30-minutes circuits session with lighter weights. And to finish and cool down, she would stretch again for 5 minutes.

If you do lighter weights like Meghan did or if you do bodyweight training, you will build strength and your muscle will get toned. And if you prefer a slimmer and leaner look, this type of training might work very well for you. :)


You might think that working in television and marrying a prince would mean Meghan is one to follow the latest diet trends. But it’s actually the exact opposite!

Instead of doing what’s hot in Hollywood, she does what works for her. And what works for her is a vegan-ish diet. There are some pros and cons to this, but being vegan during the week seems to work for her.

This means Meghan tries to avoid meat, dairy, and animal products as much as possible. But she’s also not hard on herself when they make their way into her diet. She’s been seen eating sushi which gives her a large dose of healthy omega-3s. But most of her nutrition comes from plant-based foods.

And she doesn’t outwardly obsess about counting calories. Meghan is human. And like the rest of us, she LOVES carbs! Fries are her weakness. She’s just careful not to overdo it.

That doesn’t mean she’s not careful about what she eats between meals though.

meghan markle workout and diet


Meghan seems to genuinely enjoy eating healthy foods. Between meals, she’s been known to eat whole foods like fresh fruit. When she’s feeling low and wants a protein boost, she reaches for nut butters rather than animal proteins.

Instead of reaching for coffee, Meghan prefers to start her day with hot water and lemon. This helps wake her up and keeps her hydrated even if she switches to coffee later on in the morning.

She also likes to use green juice to boost her energy levels during the afternoons. These juices are naturally high in vitamin-C and give her a natural energy boost without the crash associated with caffeine.

If a green juice isn’t an option, she also enjoys drinking kombucha. Kombucha is a fermented tea that’s also naturally carbonated. Think of it like a soda without the huge amount of added sugar. You can drink it as-is or find one flavored with just a touch of fruit juice. These drinks have tons of probiotics that help with gut health and keep your digestion on track.

meghan markle workout and diet


Ultimately, Meghan Markle’s fitness and diet routines are simple. She focuses on staying healthy and lean by exercising regularly, eating whole plant-rich foods, and staying away from high-fat, high-sugar treats.

I hope you liked reading about Meghan’s diet and fitness routine and if you have any blog post requests, let me know!

Love Rachael xx

Featured Image credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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2 comments on “Meghan Markle’s Workout Routine and Diet”

    Jayde Wacker says:

    Hi Racheal!

    So I’ve been a long time reader and I’ve recently started working out I’ve noticed most of my weight goes to my bum and legs :(:( I am a size 8 (And rather short 5’1) and I’m trying to work to the size 6 body but my legs and bum are my problem areas of note I’ve got a gym membership and I’ve been using mostly machines will this help or will I get bulk? I’m really trying to go for that petite figure with the lovely toned and defined legs could you guide me in the right direction of what exercise I should do to achieve this look?

    Thank you have a lovely day :)

      Diana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hi lovely,
      Most machines in the gym will make you bulky, especially if you’re lifting heavy weights or doing squats, lunges and other quad building workouts.

      We would love to help you as much as we can :) So that’s why we have created the Lean Legs Program!

      Our program has been designed to include the perfect type of resistance training and cardio to give you a lean and toned look, without making you bulky.
      It’s an 8 week workout and nutrition plan that will help you slim down your legs, but will also help you slim and tone your upper body and core too (the workouts are full body).
      It also includes a full meal plan, a separate recipe ebook and demonstration videos.

      If this is what you’re looking for, I would definitely recommend giving our program a go. :) You can find out more about it here:

      Lean Legs Program

      Wishing you all the best! xx


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