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3 Steps to Lean Legs Program Review by Laura from the USA

By Rachael Attard, Updated May 22, 2021
Lean legs program transformation

A word from Rachael:

”If you’ve been following me on Instagram, or reading my blog, you know that you girls are my main inspiration & motivation. This is why I recently reached out to some of you to ask about your progress and feedback. These are their stories. Hope you find them as motivating and uplifting as I have.”

This time I chatted with Laura from the USA. She’s in her early 40’s and a lovely mesomorph.

Laura is another winner of my Progress Pic Competition.

For those who don’t know, every two months I organise a competition. Seeing your amazing results motivates me and I want to motivate you too! All the winners receive 150$ for their excellent progress. :)

If you’ve followed any of my programs, all you need to do is send me your before and after pictures and you can be a winner too. And the best part is that there’s a competition going on right now! If you want to join, you need to send me your before and after photos by June 20th.

I can’t wait to see your progress and I hope Laura’s story helps motivate you to work even harder!

Laura’s Review of the 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program

1. What Was Your Fitness Routine Before You Started Lean Legs Program and What Made You Change It? How Did You Find My Program?

Laura: I was walking a lot of hills so I saw my legs getting bulkier. And I was also doing bodyweight exercises that built my legs and didn’t lean me out.

I found your program through good ol Google :) And all the results people got convinced me to try it!!!

RELATED POST: The Female Guide on How to Get Lean and Not Bulky

2. Did You Know What’s Your Body Type Before Doing My Body Type Quiz?

Laura: I knew I was a meso though I might be a mix. I knew I could (and I did) bulk with too much weights/squats.

I loved the walking and toning in your program. I was surprised by how much it slimmed me without having to kill myself on the treadmill.

As Laura mentioned, she is a Mesomorph body type and she followed my Mesomorph Lean Legs Program. If you want to learn what your body type is, check out my FREE body type quiz! It will help you exercise in a way that’s perfect for your body.

3. What Was Your Absolute Favourite Part of My Program? What Was the Most Challenging Part of the Program? And What Motivated You to Keep Going?

Laura: I loved the videos- it was great to have something to follow along.

The time commitment was the most challenging – days when I couldn’t take my kiddos for a walk and had to do it at home – walk an hour, toning, etc. It was just hard as I’m so busy with them. But only on certain days.

And I just stuck to the plan. Having a solid plan helped so much. A couple of times I walked later at night when they were in bed.

RELATED POST: Muscle Toning vs Bulking – How to Know the Difference

4. When Did You First Start Seeing Results? Were You Happy With Them?

Laura: Almost right away! I was shocked. After having my second child I felt I was stuck. I started walking a lot and doing circuits and started eating less (though I wasn’t too strict due to nursing)

And I was so happy!!! I did one round of the program and I think I’ll repeat it again. :)

RELATED POST: Biggest Diet Mistakes That Are Slowing Down Your Weight Loss

5. Would You Recommend Lean Legs Video Course to Your Friends? Do You Have Any Advice for Women Who Are About to Start Their Fitness Journey With My Course?

Laura: Yes, I would recommend it since it’s so thorough and easy to follow.

As for advice, stick to it, it works! I did what I had to to adjust it to my life and availability. I didn’t do it perfectly and I still got great results.

Thanks Laura! I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see your progress after round 2. :)

Love Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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