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Kylie Jenner Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Feb 12, 2021
Kylie Jenner diet and workout routine

I recently wrote about Kendall Jenner’s diet and workout routine and some of you guys wanted to know what does her sister Kylie does to stay in shape so I decided to do some research :)

Kylie Jenner is the type of person who does not need ANY introduction. She’s the youngest billionaire in history, a successful business woman, and a mother. 

I hope reading about Kylie’s diet and workout routine is helpful for all of you! Let’s dive straight to it :)

kylie jenner diet workout routine



Kylie says her body type was always naturally thin. She says she wasn’t as thin as her sister Kendall, but she still felt like she was able to keep her stomach flat and her body toned without paying too much attention to her diet. 

Before giving birth to her daughter Stormi in early 2018, Kylie said that she ate whatever she wanted, which normally included a lot of junk food, bad carbs and dairy. She used to eat ice cream with pomegranate seeds for breakfast! So it’s no wonder Kendall said Kylie is the “weird eater” in their family.

But then in 2018 it all changed.


After having a baby, though, Kylie’s body changed. That’s a normal part of childbirth that all mothers experience! For Kylie, those changes meant that her old clothes didn’t fit like they used to and her stomach didn’t feel as toned as it once did. 

Kylie wanted to have her old body back, so she started to pay more attention to what she ate. 

Diet is what made the biggest difference. After she improved her diet, Kylie says she started to feel confident in her body again after giving birth. Here are some of the ways she changed her diet after having a baby: 

1. She focused on organic food

Kylie believes in moderation (she still loves the occasional burger from In-N-Out!), but her big focus is eating as much fresh, whole foods as possible. She really focuses on eating clean above all else. And she’s not the only clean eater in her family. Kim Kardashian’s diet now also consists of clean eating. 

Kylie now eats a lot of organic chicken or fish with fresh vegetables. She tries to avoid fast food, and she even asked her friends not to eat junk food around her so that she wouldn’t be tempted! 

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2. She cut out dairy

Kylie developed a lactose intolerance in her late teens, but she continued to eat dairy because she liked it so much. 

After having a baby, she decided to start cutting out dairy. She said avoiding dairy helped her weight loss process and that she now feel less bloated. 

3. Kylie limited her alcohol

Kylie isn’t a big drinker. She obviously couldn’t drink alcohol while pregnant, but she apparently hasn’t had much to drink post-baby either! 

You may not realize it but alcoholic drinks can have a quite a few calories (which means there are no nutrients) and cocktails can be FULL of sugar. So if you tend to drink cocktails when you go out with your friends, you may be consuming lots of sugar without know it!

Besides, your body will burn off the alcohol first before any food.

So any food that you eat when drinking or afterwards, your body will most likely store it as fat. 

So when Kylie decided to limit her alcohol intake, she did the right thing!

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4. Kylie cut back on carbs

Kylie focused on making sure the carbs she was eating were high in fiber so that they would fill her up! She avoids simple carbohydrates, like white bread and pasta. She substitutes most of her basic carbohydrates with vegetables instead. 


Kylie says that her breakfast meals are normally pretty boring. She typically eats the same thing for breakfast everyday: scrambled eggs, bacon, and avocado. 

Every morning, Kylie drinks 16 ounces of celery juice with her breakfast. Although Kylie has been known to support juice cleanses (keep reading to learn my thoughts on that!), she says that celery juice isn’t about weight loss. Instead, she says it is full of vitamins that keep her healthy. 

Celery juice is supposed to include high amounts of Vitamins C and K, and it can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, she said. 

Kylie doesn’t drink just celery juice in the morning. She also likes a cup of coffee every day! She adds Vital Proteins Collagen Creamer to her coffee. Collagen is supposed to support nail, hair and joint health. 


For lunch, Kylie loves an organic kale salad with chicken and green beans. She likes to eat her salad with an organic green juice. 

If she’s having a treat, she goes for Mexican food. Her favourite dishes are tacos and, of course, guacamole! 


Kylie likes to go for healthy but comforting home-cooked meals in the evening. Her dinners normally consist of chicken, fish, vegetables, and rice in different variations. 

She shares a lot of her meals on her Instagram and Snapchat stories. One of her favourite dinners is fried rice with chicken and green beans. 

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Before having her daughter, Kylie had an up-and-down relationship with fitness. 

She used to be a cheerleader as a kid. After she finished cheering, she struggled to get back into a workout routine. She preferred to enjoy her youth. She focused on being active, doing lots of things, traveling, and having fun! 

Still, her mom did encourage her to work out. An old video shows her and Kendall working out as kids with the following routine: 

  • Run in Place 10x
  • Cherry Pickers 10x
  • Ski Jumps 10x
  • Leg Kicks 10x


Kylie started working out as soon as she could after having her baby. She worked out hard, focusing on lots of HIIT routines along with some cardio and weight training. 


She loves exercising with her family, and so she often takes them along to her training sessions and workout classes. 

I totally recommend you do this too! Having somebody (a friend, boyfriend, sister, or whoever you want!) to work out with can make the whole thing even more fun! I think even going for a walk or a hike with a loved one can be a great way to catch up and get in a good lower intensity cardio workout

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Here’s what Kylie does to stay in shape


Running is Kylie’s preferred type of cardio when she doesn’t want to go the gym or see her trainer. She loves to go for runs in the Hollywood Hills to relax and get a good workout in! That sounds amazing to me! 


Kylie works out with Gunnar Peterson, a celebrity trainer who helps train the rest of the Kardashians too. 

Although Kylie says she doesn’t always follow the exact same schedule, she typically work out her lower body at least twice a week and her upper body once to twice a week. 

These workouts are standard workouts that Gunner Peterson uses with clients to keep them toned. 


Repeats this 3 times: 

  • Dumbbell Squats, 15 reps 
  • Single Leg Lunges, 15 reps 
  • Skater Lunge, 15 reps 
  • Side Lunges, 15 reps 
  • Stability Leg Ball Curls, 15 reps 
  • Cable Lat Pulldowns, 15 reps
  • Dumbbell rows, 15 reps
  • Dumbbell bicep curls, 15 reps
  • Crunches, 25 reps 
  • Reverse Crunches, 25 reps 
  • Ball throws, 25 reps 
  • Mountain climbers, 60 seconds 
  • Plank, 90 seconds 
  • HIIT Cardio, 15 minutes


Repeat this 3 times: 

  • Dumbbell chest press, 15 reps 
  • Dumbbell flys, 15 reps 
  • Wood chops, 15 reps
  • Shoulder press, 15 reps 
  • Lateral dumbbell raises, 15 reps 
  • Dumbbell curls, 15 reps 
  • Tricep extensions, 15 reps
  • Ball throws, 25 reps 
  • Bicycle crunches, 25 reps 
  • Reverse crunches, 25 reps 
  • Plank with leg lift, 90 seconds
  • Side bends, 15 reps 
  • Mountain climbers, 60 seconds 
  • HIIT Cardio, 15 minutes 
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If you follow Kylie on Instagram or in the news, you already know that she is very open about using waist-trainers and drinking detox teas to slim down. 

I really do love Kylie, but I don’t believe that either of these things are healthy or good ways to lose weight or get your desired body shape. 

If you’re wanting to do a healthy detox, I suggest cutting back on sugar or even dairy to see how your body responds. If you want to slim down your waist, eating a healthy diet long-term is the best way to get results! 

At the end of the day, I’m never a fan of quick fixes, no matter who promotes them. Extreme diets can cause really bad side effects like digestive issues, metabolism issues and they don’t often work for people long term. 

If you want to lose weight or change your body, try adjusting your lifestyle. I know it can be hard but it’s totally worth it and I can speak from experience. This is the best way to improve yourself, inside and out! 

I know that with hard work and motivation you can find a diet and workout routine that works for you! :) 

Thanks for reading!

Love Rachael xx

Featured Image credit: Sky Cinema / Shutterstock.com

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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2 comments on “Kylie Jenner Diet and Workout Routine”

    Jess says:

    What’s Kylies Body Type?

      Ana - Lean Legs Support says:

      Hey lovely,

      She is a mix of mesomorph and endomorph body type! :) xx


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