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Gabrielle Epstein’s Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Aug 18, 2020
gabby gabrielle epstein diet workout routine

When I’m trying to get inspiration for food and workouts, I always head over to Instagram. There are so many influencers leading the charge that it’s hard NOT to find something new and exciting. 

Recently, I stumbled across bikini fashion icon Gabrielle Epstein and fell in love with her look. 

It’s hard to deny that she looks amazing and her designs are killer both on and off the beach. So, how does she keep herself looking flawless? Let’s dive in.

gabrielle gabby epstein diet workout routine


Gabrielle doesn’t believe in practicing strict diets or cutting out any particular types of foods and beverages. Instead, she follows the 80/20 rule which is something I also do. 

She eats healthy foods 80 percent of the time and gives herself permission to indulge the other 20 percent of the time. The method is thought to get rid of that pesky food guilt that rears its ugly head anytime you reach for a cookie instead of a piece of fruit. And I have to say that, for me, it works great. And here’s what Gabrielle says about it.

Her secret to making the 80/20 plan work is to stay super hydrated at all times. This helps her body deal with those splurges without leaving her feeling bloated. Let’s take a look at some of her favourite meals.


Gabby likes to start the day off with a nutrient-dense smoothie or smoothie bowl depending on how much time she has before starting work. The smoothie packs plenty of vitamins and minerals to give her a natural source of energy that lasts throughout the day.

Her favourite smoothie bowl combines 2 frozen bananas, almond milk, 1 tablespoon of pink pitaya (dragon fruit) powder, and one scoop of protein powder. She tops the smoothie with sliced banana, kiwi, berries, nuts, and pomegranate seeds.

If she doesn’t have time to make a smoothie at home, she’ll pick up an açai bowl on the go. 


For lunch, Gabby likes to eat something heavier. And here absolute favourite are tacos!

But still, we’re not talking the standard fast-food style tacos here…She keeps things healthy by using real ingredients and fresh vegetables. 

Though she’s not much of a cook, she’s mastered making her signature beef tacos. She combines lean beef with her homemade taco seasoning. The seasoning is a mix of cayenne, garlic powder, a pinch of salt, chili powder, and cumin. 

She tops the beef with chopped baby spinach, sliced avocado, kidney beans, tomato, and cheese. When she wants to add a little more fiber to the meal, she’ll add brown rice either on the side or in the taco itself.

The result is a simple, fresh, and filling lunch.


As I mentioned, Gabby’s doesn’t really like to cook. That means she’s often willing to eat out at night. But eating out doesn’t mean she’s likely to overindulge in unhealthy, processed food. She still likes to eat healthy when she can.

Her favourite healthier dinner option is sushi. She especially likes sushi rolls that have tons of fresh veggies.

When she feels like splurging on something a little less healthy, she LOVES to eat chicken wings. 



Gabrielle leads an incredibly active life. That means she’s almost always reaching for a snack throughout the day.

Her usual mid-day pick-me-up is fresh fruit—watermelon is her favourite—and nuts. This gives her plenty of natural sugars to keep her fueled up and ready to go at all times.

When she’s spending the day outside, she’ll keep plenty of water and coconut water on hand to stay hydrated. And when she’s craving a sweet beverage, she’ll pick up a fresh-squeezed juice.


Gabby likes to keep things healthy most of the time and tends to satisfy her sweet tooth with fresh fruit. If only we could all be so lucky, right?

But there are times when she just wants a little something extra. And that something extra is typically a donut. 

Don’t get me wrong—donuts are delicious! But they’re not the healthiest choice and all that oil and sugar leaves me feeling off for days. If you’re looking to get your dessert on, try these muffins instead.


It may come as a surprise, but Gabrielle doesn’t spend a huge amount of time in the gym. She’s found a way to exercise outside of the gym almost every day.

She’s naturally active and enjoys playing sports and doing things outside that keep her heart rate up while also toning her muscles. 

As an Aussie native, she’s no stranger to swimming in the ocean and loves to surf whenever she gets the chance. These exercises are great for building lean muscle without bulking her up. And while she’s fit enough to run a few miles at a time, she tries to avoid it. It’s just not her thing.

Instead, you’ll find her doing high intensity interval training or going on long hikes. The combination helps her build her strength while also increasing her cardiovascular health.



She doesn’t follow a set workout routine or go to a specific gym because she travels so much. But that doesn’t mean she can’t take her workout on the road, too.

When she’s away from home, she packs a yoga mat and runs through her own unique routine. 

  • Lunges with knee to the ground – 20 reps each leg
  • Standard squats – 20 reps
  • Calf raises – 20 reps each leg
  • Repeat 2 more times
  • Plank – 2 minutes
  • Alternating leg bicycles – 25 reps each leg
  • Leg lifts – 20 reps
  • Repeat 2 more times
  • Fire hydrants – 10 reps each leg
  • Donkey kicks – 10 reps each leg
  • Hip bridges – 20 reps
  • Repeat 2 more times
  • Burpees – 30 seconds
  • Mountain climbers – 1 minute
  • Jump rope – 100 jumps

This routine gives her a full-body workout every time. And since it doesn’t require any equipment, it’s a great way to introduce yourself to a new fitness routine. 

Just remember to go through the strength exercises like the lunges and donkey kicks in a controlled manner. The slower you make those movements, the more you’ll challenge your muscles. 

Also, if you tend to bulk up easily, especially in your lower body (and that’s not something you want), I would recommend you to avoid exercises that target your quads heavily (lunges,squats, burpees, etc.).

We’re all different and some body types are more likely to get muscular than others. If you’re not sure about your own body type, you can take my FREE Body Type Quiz.


The Gabrielle Epstein diet and workout plan is relatively simple. It doesn’t require much other than a little self-control and a willingness to make healthy choices. While this is enough for some people, it might not be enough to give you the results you want.

That just means you need to tailor your workout and diet to your body type. When you do, you’ll start seeing improvements almost immediately.

Hope you enjoyed reading about Gabby’s fitness and if you have any blog post requests, let me know in the comments section!


Rachael xx

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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