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Lorena Rae Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Feb 12, 2021
Lorena Rae diet and workout routine

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you Lorena Rae’s diet and workout routine! She shares a lot of her fitness routine online so I was able to get all the details :)


You’ll probably best know Lorena for walking in her first Victoria’s Secret show last year. 

And since this was her first show, she trained extra hard to prepare.

And as far as I can see from her social media, she continues to train hard, maybe even harder than before.

lorena rae diet and workout routine


Like a lot of the other Victoria’s Secret models, Lorena trains at the DogPound gym. She usually works with a personal trainer there and she often has a workout buddy.

She admits that she hasn’t been training for that long and that she still feels like a newbie.

Even though Lorena often works out at the gym, the type of exercises she does could be also done at home. 

She doesn’t use a lot of equipment, especially for her abs and lower body. She mostly uses resistance bands, ankle weights and gliding discs. And she keeps her number of reps high (12-15).

I would say this is a great style of training for all girls who want to get lean and toned without bulking up (myself included)! And if you are someone who travels a lot or doesn’t have much time to go to the gym, you might really enjoy these workouts :)

Lorena likes to keep us up to date with her workout routines through her Instagram stories, and you can get some great tips by checking out the ‘Workouts’ story highlights. Here she posts videos of her working out with Kamila Hansen, fellow model and workout buddy, as well as with her trainers Kirk Myers or Rhys Athayde

You go, girl!


For her abs, Lorena does lots of bodyweight floor workouts – crunches, sit ups and different plank variations.

She also does some more complex workouts like BOSU ball mountain climber + burpee combo. You’ll definitely feel the burn with this one! But if your legs bulk up easily but you don’t want to grow your thighs, I would skip it.

For her arms she does lot of cable machines moves and TRX training.

If you like this style of training check out my Victoria Secret workout and my favourite ab exercise.


For her lower body, Lorena mostly uses resistance bands, ankle weights and gliding discs.

You can see one of her leg and butt workouts with ankle weights in this video. She uses low weights with a high number of reps to achieve that lean and toned model look.

Lorena also does different variations of squats. Squats are great for your booty but they will also work your quads. 

And if you want to slim down your legs, I would skip them. Squats will actually make your legs bigger and not smaller.

Since she is an ectomorph body type, she can do them without growing her thighs too much.

If you want to try out my lower body workouts that won’t make your thighs bigger, click here :)


Recently, Lorena started taking barre classes at Define.London studio, where she focuses on her lower body, legs and booty.

She said they are very challenging, much more than they look. 

There she also mostly does floor exercises – donkey kicks, leg lifts and less often, bar exercises.

While I think Barre classes can be a good option for many girls, it really depends on the style and the teacher that you have. I’m not really a fan of the classes that include lots burpees and squat jumps since they make my thighs bigger and that’s not one of my fitness goals. 

I think that you could try Barre to see if it works for you. If you like the results, great and if not, you can always try something else :)


Lorena doesn’t just work hard in the gym. 

When she’s not there, she does similar workouts with her workout buddy, model Chase Carter. Take a look at this cool workout they do by the beach!

Also, when she’s travelling she carries her resistance band and ankle weights with her and does her usual gym workouts in a hotel room.

Since she’s quite thin already, she doesn’t do a lot of cardio but when she does, she mainly runs outside. 

She definitely prefers resistance training to cardio which is totally fine (we all have our least favourite workout!). But even if you are slim like Lorena, combining cardio and resistance training will only do you good. A well balanced workout program should have both :)

If you want to train like Lorena, I have something special for you! I’ve created a 5-day video course which will help you achieve that model like body. All 5 workout videos are completely free and you can download them below :)


Rather than being too strict about what she eats and counting calories, Lorena’s diet is more about having a balanced diet and leading a healthy lifestyle. 

In a recent interview she did, Lorena mentions that she’s tries to eat healthy but that she also has a sweet tooth, especially when it comes to chocolate!



When she works, she usually gets up between 5 and 6 am, so she likes to start her day with a morning coffee to wake her up.

For breakfast Lorena likes to have eggs and avocado on toast or oatmeal with fresh berries, because, as she jokingly said, “that’s the only thing [I] can cook”.

She typically works out before lunch and then after exercising goes to a restaurant with her workout buddy. And even though she eats out a lot she tries to pick a healthy option, like chicken with lots of veggies.

When she’s jet lagged, she also drinks coffee in the afternoon. 

 If you go to bed earlier, try not to drink your afternoon coffee after 6 PM so it doesn’t mess up your sleep :) 

And when Lorena goes to bed she loves to drink hot water with lemon. She says she’s feels like it helps her skin stay clear and glowing and that it also helps with digestion.


Occasionally, she likes to mixes in a cheat day. And she definitely doesn’t miss out on sweet things. 

If she’s having a cheat day, she said her absolute favourite breakfast is chocolate croissant or “any other kind of chocolate pastry”. And for dinner, if she wants to treat herself, she would definitely go for Italian – pizza or pasta. 

So when she booked her first VS show, she immediately planned her ‘treat day’ for the day after. And as you can guess, she wanted Nutella toast and chocolate croissants, as well as pizza and a burger! 

Hope you liked this post and thanks for reading!

Love Rachael xx

Featured Image credit: Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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