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Sophie Turner’s Diet and Workout Routine

By Rachael Attard, Updated Feb 12, 2021
Sophie Turner diet and workout routine

If you’ve followed my blog for any time now, you know I’m a bit of a Game of Thrones fan. I was heartbroken when the series ended—let’s not talk about HOW it ended…

But there’s one thing that made the show and it’s questionable ending so amazing. The actors! One of my favourites (beside Emilia Clarke) is Sophie Turner, our lovely Sansa Stark. Since the end of GOT, Sophie got married, killed it as Dark Phoenix, and is staying busy and active.

And when you’re carrying a role as serious as the Queen in the North and Jean Grey, you have to stay active. Here’s how Sophie managed to make the transition from queen to superhero so successfully.


Sophie didn’t always have the right diet plan in place. She actually used to have a very bad relationship with food and didn’t eat enough to give her body the nutrients it needed to thrive.

It resulted in serious and unhealthy weight loss that actually caused her to lose her period for an entire year. She shared her story and has made a point to put her body and her mental wellbeing first. 

Now, she keeps to a mostly Paleo-inspired diet. This means she actively avoids processed foods, keeps her carb intake to a minimum, and takes care to pack on the protein with every meal. 


Back before she got serious about her diet, Sophie didn’t eat breakfast. This often left her feeling drained or tired by mid-afternoon, but it also meant her body wasn’t getting the fuel it needed to keep up with her lifestyle.

She starts her day off with a protein-packed smoothie. 

Her favourite protein powder is the Vega Vanilla which is sweetened with stevia and blends perfectly with anything you want to add. Sophie’s smoothie of choice uses a scoop of the protein powder, a tablespoon of macadamia nut butter, and half a banana. She then adds a cup of unsweetened almond milk and blends it up. 

If you want to make it a frozen treat, freeze the banana and add a few ice cubes to the almond milk. You can even make almond milk ice cubes if you want to avoid diluting the flavour.


For lunch, Sophie keeps things fresh. She likes to eat a lot of healthy fats and fibrous vegetables and these are incredibly easy to turn into a salad.

Fresh spinach, cauliflower, avocado, and lean proteins like chicken, turkey, or salmon are all great ways to make the salad filling. Nuts like slivered almonds or cashews add protein and crunch as well as a healthy dose of fats.

For dressings, combine extra virgin olive oil and vinegar to make a vinaigrette from scratch. 


Dinner, when she’s not shooting or out with her husband, Joe Jonas, she does what she can to keep things clean, healthy, and simple.

Like the rest of her meals, she sticks to the Paleo diet and tries to incorporate a good amount of lean proteins. Grilled chicken, baked fish, and even repeats of lunch are all great options. It all depends on how much time and effort she wants to put into the meal.

When she goes out, she tries to eat the same types of food as she would at home. Most restaurants make it easy to choose some kind of protein and vegetable and many let you sub out high-carb sides like bread and potatoes for salads or other low-carb options.

Sophie’s also always trying to make sure she gets enough water. Hydration, especially when you’re working as hard as Sophie does, is key to maintaining health and can even help you reduce those cravings for snack foods. 


During Game of Thrones, Sophie didn’t have an intense workout routine but that all changed after she got cast to play Jean Grey!

For her role in Dark Phoenix, she needed to push herself a bit harder than normal. She started to work out for a solid hour six days a week (at least 1h per day). That schedule lasted for three months, but there’s no denying the results—she looked amazing!


Sophie is no stranger to intense cardio, but she LOVES to make it fun. Her favorite way to get her heart rate up is through boxing. When she’s in New York, she trains at Rumble and when she’s in L.A., she heads to Unbreakable. Both locations push her to new limits.

When she’s not doing group classes, she’s happy to do just about any high-intensity cardio session. 



For Dark Phoenix, Sophie needed to tone her muscles and build up her cardio strength even more than normal. This means she changed her workouts, but she and her trainer didn’t hit the gym. They hit the streets.

He pushed her through hill sprints and burpees in London where she got plenty of fresh air and never had to deal with static scenery that could make the workout tedious and boring.

To build strength and tone her muscles, she used resistance bands, bodyweight exercises, and kettlebells. The result was a high-intensity interval workout that she ran through several times a week. 

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Sophie has always been active. She’s not a fan of sitting still and incorporates that into her daily life. 

She loves cycling and tries to make it part of her daily routine when she can. When she and Joe feel like being a bit more adventurous, they go for long hikes during the summer and hit the ski slopes in the winter. 

These activities, combined with her normal workouts, help her stay in shape easily.


Sophie Turner’s diet and workout routine are designed to keep up with her body’s unique needs. They’re tough, strict, and effective. But they’re not ideal for every body type and every person. 

Find out your body type here and start figuring out what types of exercises you need to get the body you’ve been dreaming of. It may not be the same as Sophie’s, but if it works and it gets the results you’re looking for, that shouldn’t matter! 

Love Rachael xx

Featured Image credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Picture of Rachael

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a healthy and balanced way.

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